Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Law Enforcement Career
Law Enforcement Career Law implementation is a difficult vocation decision that will have a beneficial outcome to society. Law implementation is an open assistance provided to the network by the city, state and governments (Funk Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, 1986). Law implementation officials are the bleeding edge of insurance for the general population inside the entirety of our networks. They ensure us twenty four hours per day, regularly in each feature of our lives. Law requirement is there to guard us in our movements just as where we work and live. This is an intense calling and on occasion hazardous however is a field that is completely basic so as to guard society. This profession isn't for everybody. A fruitful law implementation official must want to serve the general population. Very few people would pick a profession that has as one of its necessities running towards risk. This conflicts with all human intuition. Endeavoring to improve the world a spot is extremely fulfilling and respectable stra tegic. The individuals who choose such a vocation for the correct explanation of needing to serve their locale are exceptionally unique people. They put their own security at risk for us all. There appears to be little uncertainty that law authorization is a noble vocation that ought to have the regard of everybody. For the individuals who have future yearnings in this field, it takes training, difficult work, boldness and assurance to have the option to acquire this compensating vocation decision. A cop can have a genuine effect in people groups lives. What number of professions can offer that expression? All social orders need law authorization. Law requirement has existed in the United States since the start of European movement. J. Edgar Hoover celebrated organizer of the Federal Bureau of Investigation once said equity is coincidental to lawfulness. This remark gets to the foundation of why we have laws and the need to implement them. Equity will be served when people rights and opportunities are ensured. Law requirement implies guaranteeing submission to laws (Websters New Edition Dictionary, 1997). American pioneers carried with them the structure of the workplace of constable from the European framework when they moved in the 1700 and 1800s. The primary nearby present day police division built up in the United States was the Boston Police Department in 1838, trailed by the New York City Police Department in 1845 (Stinchcomb, 2003). As individuals moved to the United States and individuals moved westbound towns and urban areas were manufactured. The requirement for security of t he individual was fundamental. In time law authorization was introduced in these new domains for without it there would be no acculturated society. Law requirement is a key segment of criminal equity framework and is vital for a sheltered society. A profession in law implementation is something that numerous individuals seek after, anyway not all are appropriate for the vocation. My yearning is to make my locale safe from wrongdoing and society a superior spot to live. This has consistently been my fantasy. My fatherly granddad was a New York City cop for about 30 years. My regard for him and other people who carry on this troublesome yet really important work has motivated me. There are essential necessities that must be met so as to seek after an expert law authorization profession. The initial step an individual takes towards turning into a New York City cop is to take a composed common assistance assessment. The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) controls these tests. DCAS is liable for the genuine organization of the test just as the gathering of the rundown of names of people who finish the test. DCAS then gives the New York City Police Department with the rundown of up-and-comers. The Applicant Processing Division at that point starts the choice procedure. The New York City Police Department requires fruition of 60 credits of school work with a 2.0 evaluation point normal. Two years of military help can be fill in for the instructive necessity. Required is a clinical assessment just as a character individual verification (New York City Police division, 2011). When these rules have been met an individual can be considered for arrang ement. To the extent the remainder of the nation and different wards, the instructive prerequisite for a cop changes state to state. Some require a higher education while others simply secondary school (US Department of Labor, 2010-11 ed.). Effective officials require better than expected insight and great physical molding. They ought to have great relational abilities and solid readiness to learn. The police division will completely research the foundation of all up-and-comers before arrangement to the police institute. Basic to the activity is sound character. A candidate is excluded for an earlier conviction of a wrongdoing. Past work experience will permit agents the opportunity to get a positive reference which will improve the odds of arrangement to the police power. What would one be able to expect upon arrangement to the New York City Police Department? The initial five years on the division, an individual is assigned as patrolman. Working conditions differ subject to task. Upon graduation from the police foundation the new kid on the block official is doled out to a preparation official (Warners, 2011). The new official was prepared in common examples while at the institute. The preparation official is there to instill the new official to the everyday work. This will help support the new officials experience by utilizing the information on a veteran official while additionally assembling the youngsters certainty. A few assignments might be more troublesome than others as wrongdoing changes in various pieces of a city. The work week is 40 hours. The hours of the day worked will differ as there clearly should be 24 hour inclusion. Movements can be 8am to 4pm, 4pm to 12am and 12am to 8am. There might be some variety reliant on a particular task. NY City Police officials get 28 took care of days a year and boundless ailment time. Clinical inclusion is a piece of their pay. Right now an official can resign following 20 years of administration with half compensation which is absolved from both New York City and New York State charges. In the event that an official is for all time harmed hands on they will get 75% compensation absolved from all duties including government charges. Police and Sheriffs watch officials had a medium yearly wages of $51,410 in May 2008. Police and analyst administrators medium pay was $75,490 in May 2008 (US Department of Labor, 2010-11 ed) New York City police division pay rates start at $41,000 and will increment up to $60,000 inside the initial five years (New York City Police Department, 2011). Enthusiastic pressure is an extraordinary issue. For the patrolman working the road no two days might be similar. Cops experience physical worry with working movement fill in just as confronting physical peril. This pressure impacts the official, yet in addition influences their family. Many wedded officials get separated. Dealing with the pressure of occupation and family pressure is critical to the officials mental prosperity. Extreme pressure has been appeared to antagonistically influence an officials wellbeing, From an administration see this will prompt truancy which thus prompts diminished profitability. (Tang and Hammontree, (1992). Basic to the individual contender for a law authorization position is the capacity to relieve pressure by means of the police office guiding projects just as through outside interests. Additionally the competitor must comprehend their own self as to tension and how they manage it. There is a wide scope of ethnic assorted variety on the New York City Police power. Also there is wide decent variety in the network. Officials are continually being assessed by their oversight. The whole division is continually being observed by the regular citizen sur vey board also all the media that spreads police movement every day. Similarly as with any vocation decision there are the two favorable circumstances and detriments with a law authorization profession. The benefit of the New York City Police Department is the capacity to take and pass composed assessments as far as possible up to the commanders assignment. The onus is on the person to be persuaded to get ready and pass these composed assessments. An impediment is being exposed to New York City financial requirements which will affect pay scales alongside different advantages. This is relieved by the aggregate bartering by the police association which for the most part has the cops eventual benefits at the top of the priority list. There is a strong business future as the city will consistently require law implementation. Perfect vocation way is cop for a long time, at that point take the sergeants test. A sergeant must hold up 3 years before testing for lieutenant and afterward 2 years earlier chiefs test. There are numerous fortes inside the police office. There is the K-9 unit, analyst, opiates, scuba, flying, marine, mounted pony division and different others. One specifically compelling is legal sciences or the utilization of logical examination in procedure of criminal examination (Websters New Edition Dictionary, 1997). The skipper is the most elevated tried situation before political arrangements to auditor. Steady preparing and study in the entirety of the police division rules and guidelines just as in human conduct is the best way to headway. As recently talked about physical and mental pressure can wear out the person. Generally speaking open doors in nearby police divisions will be good for people who meet the mental, individual, and physical capabilities. Notwithstanding openings from business development, numerous openings will be made by the need to supplant laborers who resign and the individuals who leave nearby offices for Federal occupations and private-segment security employments. Employments in neighborhoo d police divisions that offer moderately low pay rates, or those in urban networks in which the crime percentage is generally high, might be the least demanding to get. Some littler offices may have less opportunit
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business and Environment Ethics CFCs essays
Business and Environment Ethics CFC's papers Do organizations truly have any commitments to the earth is the issue asked here. As indicated by the Biocentric see, yes organizations do have commitments and I will shield that see in light of the fact that as per me there are not just people that are significant in this eco-framework and Homocentric view is in opposition to my accepts. The Freon Products Division is a piece of DuPont Company. They produce chlorofluorocarbons otherwise called CFCs. In the previous years hard proof has aggregated demonstrating that CFCs add to ozone exhaustion which prompts expanded degrees of radiation arriving at earths surface accordingly causing increment in skin malignancy rates and harm to yields and fisheries. CFCs are utilized in numerous ventures to deliver coolants in refrigeration frameworks, froths, solvents, cleaning operators and force in airborne holders. It is known as artificially steady, low in poisonousness and nonflammable. The drawback is that CFCs don't generally have an indistinguishable substitute and finding a sub. Is expensive, if to be sure CFCs are unsafe to the condition the Freon Products Division should confront this reality. In 1987 for DuPont Freon Products Division, $600 million in income was from 50 million pounds of CFC creation. This was just 2% of the complete income. The test Joe Glas chief of FREON PRODUCT DIVISION (Freon Products Division) faces is that there are new guidelines on the creation of CFCs and he needs to conclude whether to sit idle, play a functioning job in help/resistance of controls or cut creation. The purpose of weight is that FREON PRODUCT DIVISIONs political methodology is If we cannot make it securely, we wont make it by any means. Which means the organization will consent to government guidelines and their own principles. This made me review what Hoffman said; once in a while doing right isnt useful for the business. Ye ... <!
Monday, July 27, 2020
The History of The Great American Smokeout
The History of The Great American Smokeout Addiction Nicotine Use Print All About The Great American Smokeout By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Updated on October 22, 2017 Stockxpert More in Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Statistics tell us that approximately 7 out of 10 smokers want to quit yet go on lighting up, day in and day out, unable to stop the vicious smoking cycle theyre stuck in. Such is the nature of nicotine addiction. As discouraging as that sounds, the good news is that there are approximately 46 million former smokers in the United States today, giving us proof positive that smoking cessation is an achievable goal. Back in the Day... When I was a young smoker back in the mid-70s, attitudes here in the U.S. about tobacco were a lot different than they are today. A person could light up just about anywhere, and while we all knew that cigarette smoking was hazardous to our health, we were in the dark ages about just how dangerous it really was. Today, in part due to anti-smoking initiatives like the Great American Smokeout (GASO), we are much more aware of the dangers cigarette smoke poses to our health. As a result, were more proactive about avoiding tobacco, whether were smokers trying to quit, or nonsmokers choosing to stay away from secondhand smoke. How The Great American Smokeout Began In 1971, Arthur P. Mullaney, a guidance counselor at Randolph High School in Randolph, Massachusetts organized an event that set the wheels in motion for the Great American Smokeout as we know it today. In an interview with the American Cancer Society (ACS) News Today, Mr. Mullaney said: Kids used to come into my office after school, and one day we were talking about college. I said, you know, if I could have a nickel for every cigarette butt I see outside wed have enough money to send all of you to college. He went on to say that if the smokers in the town of Randolph stopped smoking for a day and donated the money they would have spent on cigarettes, theyd have the makings for a college scholarship fund for students. Before long, the plan for the first Smokeout was underway with the tag line Light up a Students Future, Not a Cigarette. That first event, which took place in February of 1972, brought in $4500 and got enthusiastic support from the town of Randolph. The second annual Smokeout event raised $5000, and by the time year three rolled around, the ACS had come on board with marketing help, bringing in well-known sports figures from the Boston Celtics and the New England Patriots. Just a few years later in another part of the country, Lynn R. Smith, an editor of the Monticello Times in Minnesota launched an initiative called D-Day, which stood for Dont Smoke Day. The idea of a smoke-free day, the roots of which had likely been planted by Arthur Mullaney in Randolph, finally took off like wildfire, and in 1976, the California Division of the ACS succeeded in getting nearly one million of its smoking residents to put the butts down for one dayâ"quite a feat. The Great American Smokeout had been born. The Great American Smokeout Today Every year since that first GASO event in 1976, the third Thursday in November has been reserved for the Great American Smokeout, hosted by the ACS. Americans are challenged to quit smoking for this one day, and from there, the hope is that they will permanently kick smoking out of their lives. Many thousands of people have done just that, using the Great American Smokeout as the start of a healthy, smoke-free lifestyle. Facts About Tobacco-Related Cancers Smoking is linked to 30 percent of all cancer deaths and upwards of 87 percent of lung cancer deaths in the U.S. today.Cigar smoking carries hazards for the user that are similar to cigarette smoking. Cancers associated with cigar smoking include lung, oral, larynx, esophagus and possibly pancreatic cancer as well.Smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancer of the cheek and gums by nearly 50 percent for users. Smokeless tobacco is not a safe smoking alternative.Smoking is associated with numerous types of cancer, including: nasopharynx (back of nose and throat) cancer, cancer of the nasal cavity, lip, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreatic cancer, uterine and cervical cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, and acute leukemia A Few Other Key Facts About Tobacco Use: Approximately 45 million U.S. adults (20.8 percent of the population) smoke and about 23 percent of U.S. high school students smoke.Life expectancy for long-term smokers is approximately 14 years shorter than for nonsmokers.Upwards of two million tobacco-related deaths occurred in the United States in the 5 years between 1997 and 2001. Given enough time, tobacco kills half of those who continue to use it. But long before that happens, it ruins our quality of life in the most horrific of ways. Theres No Time Like The Present... If youre thinking about quitting, why not team up with the thousands of other smokers who are planning to use the Great American Smokeout this year as the day they make smoking historyâ"their history. In the meantime, start your preparations by gathering some supplies to help you manage nicotine withdrawal and reading up on what you can expect after you quit smoking. The links below will help you get started. Preparing for Your Quit DateQuit Smoking SuppliesAchieving the Mindset for Success A Word About Support Statistics show that people who quit smoking with a healthy support system in place have a much higher rate of long-term success with smoking cessation. Set yourself up for success by surrounding yourself with like-minded people who know exactly what you are going through. It makes a huge difference! Dont fear smoking cessationâ"quitting tobacco is a gift beyond compare and one that only you can give yourself.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Fast Food and Childhood Obesity Essay - 1335 Words
Advertisement and Childhood Obesity ENGL/101-B25 Would you feed your children lard? The answer for most all of us is ââ¬Å"No Wayâ⬠. Most parents can safely say that they want healthy choices for their children and would never want to give them something that is bad for them. However, with many of the foods on fast food menus this is not far from the truth. We have all heard the statement that childhood obesity is on the rise, and has been for quite some time now. We have seen the heartbreaking stories of overweight children being bullied, made fun of, and even being subject to more diseases. According to the center for disease control the childhood obesity rate rose from 7% in 1980 to an unbelievable 20% in 2008 (CDC, 2011). Parentsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The children they are mainly targeting are mostly those in the age 2 to age 6 range. An argument for fast food companies may be that in recent years they have started offering healthier options. Some menus now offer milk as a beverage and apples as a food. While these are healthier choices, there is still very few of these options as opposed to the unhealthy ones. Not to mention in advertisements the apples are always shown with a sugar filled dipping sauce. The fact that these companies still have mostly unhealthy choices, they should not target children in their advertisement. It is obvious that many factors play into the epidemic of childhood obesity. Factors that play into childhood obesity are things such as family income levels and restaurants that are in close proximity. Let me pose this question, what food places are the cheapest and have locations on almost every street corner? Yes, that is correct, fast food. When they already have those factors in their favor, these advertisements just seal the deal for them. Children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend a whopping 44.5 hours in front of media sources that are possibly displaying these ads. Research has shown that children less than age 8 cannot tell that the advertisements are merely trying to be persuasive. Children under age 6 cannot even tell the difference between an advertisement and a program. YetShow MoreRelatedFast Food And Childhood Obesity1166 Words à |à 5 Pages ââ¬Å"Childhood obesity is a serious epidemic, affecting children across the world. In our country alone, 17% of all children and adolescents are now obese, triple the rate from just a generation agoâ⬠(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011). This drastic increase leads researchers and ordinary citizens alike to speculate about possible causes. Fast food consumption is one potential cause that has received widespread attention. Many researchers have looked at the relationshipRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is The Consumption Of Fast Food970 Words à |à 4 Pages Childhood obesity in the United States has been increasing for the last thirty years. Obesity is defined as an excessive amount of fat located in the body and it varies with the individual s height and age. For example, what is considered obese weight for someone may be different to another person. In addition, some of the causes of obesity are excessive junk food, lack of motivation to exercise and lack of knowledge about nutrition and fitness. Often times, children do not consider the nutritionalRead MoreFast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity1870 Words à |à 8 PagesFast Food Advertising And Childhood Obesity A rise in obesity has been observed in the United States in the last two decades. Obesity is one problem that gives birth to numerous fatal diseases, including but not limited to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a survey and found that, ââ¬Å"More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obeseâ⬠Read MoreFast Food and the Risk of Childhood Obesity Essay1774 Words à |à 8 PagesThe fast food industry promotes childhood obesity by manipulating the young mind, putting them at risk for health complications such as hypertension and diabetes. The super-sizing of America is been a frequently talked about subject lately. Especially since it is seem to have negative effects on the health of children and adults alike through massive consumption of fast food. Health providers and other authority figures are now concerned abou t childrenââ¬â¢s obesity rates shown during the past 3-4 decadesRead MoreLinking Childhood Obesity to Fast Food Essay1699 Words à |à 7 Pagesin the world. Our nation has slowly gravitated towards fast food, allowing for a new industry to explode and expand over the past few decades. This monumental fast food industry has become a symbol of America and our diets. Fast food is convenient, quick, and cheap, requiring hardly any effort. It is the perfect formula for our fast-paced nation and suffering economy. The problem is shown through our sky-high rate of obesity. Though fast food has some short-term benefits like saving time and a fewRead More Childhood Obesity and Fast Food Essay examples1643 Words à |à 7 PagesIn recent years there has been a growing epidemic of obesity, especially in America. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey posted on the Center for Disease Control website there are 12.5 million children from ages 2 through 19 that are o bese. Many people are starting to complain that the commercials and ads for these restaurants are the result of such an incline in obesity. Although there have been current ad campaigns aiming at children to live a healthy life style thereRead MoreIs Fast Food Really The Main Reason For Childhood Obesity?907 Words à |à 4 PagesIs fast food really the main reason for the rise in childhood obesity? No, it is not their fault. In fact, I believe the main reason for childhood obesity is the parents. Most parents care about their kids but yet they allow them to eat unhealthy food, watch television for long periods of time, and reward them with food. Although, the cause of childhood obesity is debated. Two of the main causes is food choices and advertisements. Exercise is critical, it is an important part in keeping your bodyRead MoreChildhood Obesity: Fast Food Companies Are To Blame Essay897 Words à |à 4 PagesSince the fast food industry is targeting Americaââ¬â¢s youth, provid ing healthier options on childrenââ¬â¢s menus will reduce the rate of childhood obesity and allow for a healthy future. According to ââ¬Å"Burger Battlesâ⬠from the Weekly Reader, obesity is defined as a person whose weight is 20 percent higher than recommended for their height (Burger Battles 1). When this condition begins to affect children lives, it is then known as childhood obesity. Within the United States of America, around 15 percentRead MoreMan Vs. Food : Fast Food Can Contribute To Childhood Obesity1267 Words à |à 6 Pages Man vs. Food: Fast Food Can Contribute to Childhood Obesity The United States of America has always been a safe and well-constructed country. Over the past years, it has tried to progress in numerous ways. However, America is suffering daily from obesity issues that can be prevented. America is becoming uncontrollable when it comes down to the consumption of too much fast food. When fast food was introduced to Americans, it had many advantages. These advantages have suddenly converted into disadvantagesRead MoreFast Food Restaurants, Childhood Obesity, and Healthy Eating Habits3327 Words à |à 13 Pages Fast Food Restaurants, Childhood Obesity, and Healthy Eating Habits Today, fast food restaurants are often blamed for childhood obesity. This is however a simplistic point of view, there are a number of factors that contribute to the current epidemic of childhood obesity. When all is said and done, the responsibly of teaching children healthy eating habits and encouraging regular exercise to mitigate this problem lies with parents. It is estimated that as many as one in five Americans is obese
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Literary Appreciation Essay - 1347 Words
GEAS2103 Literary Appreciation: Term Essay Outline CUI KE JUN, April (13635670) Essay topic: Compare and contrast the conflicts faced by the protagonists in the two texts. Discuss how they are forced to submit to their parents. In literature, the conflict moves the story forward. When the story is to end the protagonistââ¬â¢s favor, the conflict occurs. It is what the major character must face with and hopefully defeat. What behind conflict is want. The author always creates situations where the characters crave something. Laura in The Glass Menagerie is the tragic heroine and so does the woman called Emily in the story of A Rose For Emily. Both of them have external conflicts with their parents, in other words, they are forced to submit toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦She never understands the fear, the self-abasement in her daughterââ¬â¢s heart and just keeping pressing her. Similarly, the conflict occurs in A Rose For Emily. Emilyââ¬â¢s father deliberately wants to keep his daughter single. So he has been chasing away all of his daughterââ¬â¢s suitors. The father wants her to company with him with full of attention. And after he died, Emily can find her love. However, it is to be regretted t hat she has already past her prime time. Her father took her to a quite solitary place forever. Emily has spent the past years living like a hermit. In this story, according to the comment by the narrator, there is a statement that is ââ¬Å"after her fatherââ¬â¢s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at allâ⬠(Faulkner, 1930). In order to achieve the story goal, a writer is supposed to use the conflict as an important element in literary creative writing. It is useful to entertain his readers. Williams and Faulkner successfully did this by creating these conflicts. Conflict in The Glass Menagerie tells the theme about the difficulty of accepting reality and escape. Everyone in this family are facing with this difficulty. And Laura is the one who can not go into the reality most. She stays with her glass animals from day to night and just live in her own world full of illusion and even doesnââ¬â¢t touch the outside world. Just as the description from Bernard, sheShow MoreRelated My Development as a Writer Essays1352 Words à |à 6 Pages My English Literature major has helped me to achieve an outstanding level of appreciation, enjoyment, and knowledge of both American and British Literature. As a high school AP English student, I struggled through great works like Hamlet and To the Lighthouse. My teacherââ¬â¢s daily lectures (there was no such thing as class discussion) taught me merely to interpret the works as critics had in the past. I did not enjoy the reading or writing process. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Letter from a Birmingham Jail Free Essays
In ââ¬Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jailâ⬠Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. uses several writing techniques. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter from a Birmingham Jail or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are two that are used predominately in his famous letter. To clarify his strategy the reader has to first understand the intended audience of his letter. The document is addressed to ââ¬Å"My Dear Fellow Clergymen. â⬠Then to look at the letter a little deeper ââ¬â it is not only the who the letter is addressed ââ¬â but the position of those to who the letter is addressed. The recipients of this letter do not agree with Dr. Marti Luther King Jrââ¬â¢s actions. Dr. King uses the writing techniques of exposition and description in this letter to his fellow pastors. Dr. King is defending his actions to his fellow pastors. To do this he has to describe why he is doing what he is doing and then expand on these ideas and actions. The first technique I will prevail on is that of expository writing. Dr. King is communicating to concerned clergy what he firmly believes. What his ideas and dreams are for the movement. Dr. King goes beyond description in this letter. He finds words to ensure the readers understand his ideas. Although the recipients of his letter disagree with his actions Dr. King draws out again that, ââ¬Å"Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itselfâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (King). He digs deep within his heart to share his readers what he is feeling, his pain, his torment, his anger, his joy, his hope ââ¬â and even his love. Dr. King holds nothing back in sharing his ideas and his inner most feelings. The next technique used in this letter is that of description. Dr. King goes into great detail describing what he and the movement are doing. What and why they have done 1 things that some donââ¬â¢t agree with. He at no time apologizes for the actions he has taken ââ¬â he is merely describing what led him to take these certain actions. At one point in the letter he describes his feeling of how he came to be at the front of the civil rights movement. He goes on to describe the event that led to his leadership role. He states ââ¬Å"When I was suddenly catapulted into the leadership of the bus protest in Montgomery, Alabama, a few years agoâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Dr. King was very effective in his technique and strategy of writing. He relates many activities the movement has been involved in. He shares some of the stories of those he has met and stood side by side with. The letter describes his dreams of a better America. He describes not only a 72 year old lady in Alabama ââ¬â bet expands on why she is doing what she is doing. Because her feet are tiredâ⬠¦. In thirty nine paragraphs and using less than 7,000 words (6,898) ââ¬â Dr. King shares from a single jail cell in central Alabama the very essence of the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960ââ¬Ës. He describes to his readers not only what he is doing as part of that movement and why he is doing these things. More importantly ââ¬â through exposition writing the reader understands exactly who the movement is for. As a reader of this letter I could see the entire movement unfold up to that point from his cell. I could also from benefit of history see where that movement was going. From a bus ride in Montgomery, to a cell in Birmingham, on to speaking in front of a National Monument and a finally a wave from a balcony in Memphis. Was he successful in his writing strategy and techniques? The lunch counter signs are gone ââ¬â there are not notes at water fountains ââ¬â and letââ¬â¢s not forget who just moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 2 Bibliography King, M. L. Jr. (1963). University of Pennsylvania: African Studies Center. Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from, http://www. africa. upenn. edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham. html How to cite Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Language In The Crucible Essays - Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible
Language In The Crucible language in the crucible - one of the most remarkable aspects of the crucible is miler's creation of believable dialogue for his 17th century puritans although partly based on what he found in salem records, most of it is his own invention it is convincingly old-fashioned without it being hard to understand the language carries echos of the king james bible; but word by word, apart from a few achatic terms - such as 'harlot' and 'poppet' - the vocabulary is mostly modern miller achieves his effects by linking words in an unusual way, using double negatives, chnging verb tenses, and other devices of the same kind here are some examples : pg 9 : he cannot discover no medicine for it in his books pg 10 : i know you have not opened with me pg 59 : seeing i do live so closely with you, they dismissed it pg 95 : i am thirty three time in court in my life pg 114 : you wonder yet if rebellion's spoke ? with this shared language miller varies the way his characters speak to suit their background and personality ministers and judges naturally use more elaborate phrases than the villages giles is blunt and coarse : pg 96 - a fart on thomas putnam, that is what i say to that john protor usues some of the most poetic lines, whether he is describing his delight in the massachusett's countryside (pg 51) or crying out in despair at the end of act 3 (pg 119) there is an element of comedy in the language between protor and mary in the scene where he told her to go to bed and she said she would not have him order her around but when he gave her a choice, she decided to go to bed after all this particular comic scene heightens the horrors of the situation as influential people like proctor are at the mercy of silly girls accusing everyone of witchcraft most characters use similie and metaphor example as follows pg 20 : there be no blush about my name pg 102 : a very augur bit will now be turned into your souls until your honesty is proved pg 10 : my daughter and my niece i discovered dancing like heathen in the forest pg 29 : i know how you....sweat like a stallion whenever i come near! on pg 132 where hale is speaking to elizabeth, he uses elaborated language and he talked a lot about himself before coming to the point his language reveals who he is as he was very full of himself when he first came to salem that he was blinded to the truth and when he finally came to the 'point' (turth) it was too late English Essays
Friday, March 20, 2020
XML and EDI essays
XML and EDI essays The internet is analogous to a very large library where all the books are scattered on the floor. This is because it contains so much information, but there is no organizational system for sorting through the information. "Many people have expended a lot of time and effort over the years to try to put some order into this chaos but with varying degrees of success." (Wiseman 113). The eXtensible Markup Language, or XML, aims to take on the electronic clutter and organize it in a way that everyone can use. Although XML promises to bring drastic organizational changes to the internet, it is not a new concept. In fact, businesses have been using "a collection of standard message formats and element dictionaries to exchange data" for the past twenty-five years (Wiseman 114). This type of formatting for electronic commerce is called Electronic Data InterchangeEDIand has allows businesses to trade information necessary to their functioning. It is for this reason that XML has sometimes been called "the poor man's EDI" or "EDI for everyone," XML brings organization to the common man's electronic world, while EDI has structured corporate commerce since the dawn of the information age. EDI's foundations can be traced back to 1948 "during the Berlin airlift when Ed Guilbert of the Department of Defense spearheaded the Transportation Data Coordinating Committee." (Rifkin 29). This group needed to get various modes of transportation to share data like schedules and coordinate with each other to effectively deliver supplies. The establishment of this group eventually led to the formation of the X12 committee, which was accredited by the American National Standards institute in 1979. "Large petroleum, banking, transportation, and retailing companies and the federal government soon began using X12 EDI to provide electronic forms and messages for shipping...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
SAT Scoring Error Get Someone Elses Scores By Mistake
SAT Scoring Error Get Someone Else's Scores By Mistake SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Did you get your SAT scores back and were surprised by how low they were?Do you think that you may have gotten someone elseââ¬â¢s scores by mistake or that there was another scoring error? SAT scoring mistakesare rare, but they do happen. This guide will go over the steps you need to take in order to verify your scores, as well as what you should do to improve your score on future SATs if there was no scoring error. Did the College Board Make an SAT Mistake? Itââ¬â¢s very rare for the College Board, the organizationthat designs and distributes the SAT, to make a mistake, but it does happen.One recent example occurred in June 2016, when the College Board incorrectly printed the amount of time students had on a certain section of the SAT, resulting in a lot of stress and anxiety for test takers.In 2006, about 4,000 students received incorrectly low scoreson their SAT because of problems with the scanning of their answer sheets. So the College Board does make mistakes. However, it's important to know that these mistakes are very rare. The vast majority of students who take the SAT have a problem-free experience, both during the test and when receiving their scores.Before you begin the process of verifying your scores, you should be aware that it is very unlikely your test was scored incorrectly. The most likely scenario is that you simply didnââ¬â¢t do as well on the SAT as you expected to.This can be disappointing to hear, and you may wish this were a world where the College Board descends from the heavens and tells you that there's been a big mistake, and that you really scored 400 points higher than originally reported. However, at some point you do have to overcome denial and focus on improving your scores for future exams. It's also important to remember that, if there was a mistake, fixing it may not always raise your scores. Sometimes, correcting a scoring error will lower your SAT score, and there is no way to undo this, as all adjusted scores are final. Potential Causes of SAT Scoring Errors There are multiple reasons a test may have been scored incorrectly. Below are some of the most common causes of scoring errors. Errors Caused by the College Board Sending a test taker the wrong score report. Incorrectly printing a question or section time on a test booklet. Problems with scanning answer sheets or essays. Errors Caused by the Test Taker Filling answers in for the wrong section. Filling in the wrong test identifying code. Writing the essay with pen instead of pencil. Incorrectly filling in answer bubbles (e.g. not filling the bubble in all the way, not shading dark enough, etc.). (Josh Davis/Flickr) How to Learn If There Was a Scoring Error There are a couple of actions you can take to determine whether your score is really the result of an error. Review Your Free Score Report Before taking any action, you should carefully review your official score report, which you will receive about five weeks after you take the SAT.On your score report, you can see how many questions you answered correctly, how many you answered incorrectly, and how many questions you didnââ¬â¢t answer at all.It also allows you to see a copy of your essay. Your score report also breaks down your results based on SAT section, question type, and question difficulty.Check over these numbers and see if there is anything unusual about them. For example, does your score report state that you omitted four answers when you are certain you didnââ¬â¢t skip any questions?If you believe there is a mistake with your score report, proceed to the next step. Request Student Answer Verification If you believe your SAT scores are incorrect, College Board offers two student verification services, although only one is available for each test. Even if you don't suspect that your exam was graded incorrectly, these services can be very helpful for future studying because they can help you identify the specific areas where you need to improve. You can order these services when you register for the SAT or up to five months after you take the test.If you are ordering after you registered for the SAT, you can order online by visiting MySAT and selecting ââ¬Å"Order Verificationâ⬠under ââ¬Å"My Scores.â⬠You can also order byphone or via post. 1. Question and Answer Service This service is available for May test-takers worldwide and October and January test-takers in the US and Canada.If you order the Question and Answer Service, you will receive: A booklet containing the SAT questions from the exam, as well as your answers to each of the questions. The test answer key. Information for each question that states what subject the question is asking about and how difficult the question is. Question and Answer Service costs $18.00 (if you didnââ¬â¢t have a fee waiver), and materials will be mailed 6-8 weeks after the exam. 2. Student Answer Service This service is available for all other test dates that don't offer Question and Answer Service. If you order this service you'llreceive a computer generated report containing: Which question numbers you answered correctly, which you answered incorrectly, and which questions you didnââ¬â¢t answer. Information about the type of test questions and level of difficulty for each question. This information is more in-depth than your free score report because it tells you for each question if you got it right, wrong, or left it blank. However, unlike the Question and Answer Service, the actual test questions and answers are not included.Student Answer Service costs $13.50 (if you didnââ¬â¢t have a fee waiver), and materials will be mailed 6-8 weeks after the exam. If, after ordering a verification service, you still believe your SAT scores are incorrect, you can also request hand-scoring. Request Hand Scoring The final option you have is to request hand scoring of your exam. Hand scoring is the most rigorous score verification service that College Board offers, and ifyou order it, your entire multiple-choice answer sheet and/or your essay will be manually reviewed. You can request hand scoring if, after ordering student answer verification, you still believe your exam was graded incorrectly. In most cases you'll want to order student answer verification before hand scoring because student answer verification is cheaper and can give you a lot of useful information that, in most cases, convinces you that your test was graded properly.However, you can also order hand scoring without ordering student answer verification firstif you think there is an issue that will be solved by hand scoring. It's also important to note that, if you order hand scoring, you will be unable to order student answer verification services afterward if you hadn't already ordered them. Reasons to request hand scoring before student answer verification: You think you wrote your essay with pen instead of pencil. Your essay isnââ¬â¢t visible on your free score report. You think you bubbled youranswers in on the wrong section. You think youused the wrong test identifying code. You can request hand scoring for your multiple choice answers, your essay, or both. Having your multiple choice answers and your essay hand scored each cost $55, or $27.50 each if you had a fee waiver. Hand Scoring for Multiple-Choice Questions If you want to have your multiple-choice answers hand scored, your entire answer sheet will be reviewed; you cannot request hand scoring for only certain sections of the test.If the person hand scoring your exam finds that you marked your answers correctly, but there was a mistake in the scanning or scoring process, then your hand scoring fee will be refunded, and your score will be updated. If itââ¬â¢s found that you made an ââ¬Å"obvious errorâ⬠on your answer sheet, such as filling answers in on the wrong section or using the wrong test identifying code, then your score will be updated, but your hand scoring fee will not be refunded. If itââ¬â¢s found that you did not follow instructions for filling in answers (for example, you didnââ¬â¢t completely fill in answer bubbles or filled in multiple circles in a single row/column), your score will not be changed, and you will not be refunded the hand scoring fee. Hand Scoring for the Essay If you request hand scoring of your essay, be aware that your essay will NOT be reread.Hand scoring of your essay only includes determining whether there was an error in the scanning or processing of the essay scores assigned by the two graders who read your essay. If an error is found, your score will be adjusted and you will be refunded your hand scoring fee. If you wrote your essay in pen, it may not have scanned properly. You can check this by looking at your free online score report, where a scanned copy of your essay is visible. If the essay is unreadable or appears blank, you may want to request that it be hand scored.If you wrote your essay in pen, you will not have your hand scoring fee refunded, even if your essay score changes. Considerations to Keep in Mind if You Request Hand Scoring Hand scoring can be requested up to five months after taking the SAT.You can request it by completing and mailing a Request for SAT Score Verification form. If you have any information that you think would be helpful (such as if you know you wrote your essay in pen or think you used the wrong test identifying code), report it to the College Board's Customer Serviceat the same time you submit the form. If you order hand scoring, you will be mailed a letter confirming the results of your multiple-choice or essay hand score verification within five weeks after your request and payment are received. If you order hand score verification, you will no longer be able to see your free online score report and you will no longer have access to the Student Answer Service or Question-and-Answer Service.Hand scored reports can only be requested once per test, and once they are completed, they are final and cannot be appealed or reordered. After going through the above steps, you will know whether or not College Board made an error while grading or sending your scores. What if there was no mistake, and that really is the score you got? Read on to find out what to do. Don't despair if there wasn't a grading error. There are ways to raise your score! What to Do If There Wasn't a Scoring Error First of all, donââ¬â¢t feel like it is the end of the world if your SAT score is lower than you thought it would be. Your standardized test scores are only one component of your college applications, and you likely have time to retake the SAT and aim for a higher score. The College Board also offers a service called Score Choice that allows you to choose which SAT scores you send to schools. As long as the schools youââ¬â¢re applying to donââ¬â¢t require you to send all your SAT scores (and we have a complete list of schools that require all SAT scores sent), then a low SAT score will not affect your application if you retake the SAT and receive a higher score. It is also normal for your SAT scores to fluctuate a bit. Drops in score of up to 150 points are normal and can occur just due to chance. This is especially true if you had a high score (680+) on previous SAT sections. Check out our guide to learn more about changes in SAT scoresand what a normal drop is and isnââ¬â¢t. Read on to learn strategies to help improve your scores on future SATs. How to Improve Your SAT Score Identify and Focus on Your Weak Areas Take some time to look over your score report. It has a lot of useful information, including how many questions you got wrong in each section as well as how well you did on specific subject areas within those sections.For example, youââ¬â¢ll be able to see not only how well you did on the Math section, but how well you did in different subjects such as Algebra and Geometry. If you ordered one of the student answer verification services, you should review those materials as well to get more information. Make note of the areas where you answered the most questions incorrectly and focus on them for your future studying.How can you improve a low section score? Check out these section guides: SAT Critical Reading The Ultimate Guide for SAT Reading The 4 SAT Reading Strategies You Must Use SAT Math The Complete Guide to Fractions and Ratios The Critical SAT Math Strategy You Must Know SAT Writing The Complete Guide for SAT Writing The Top7 SAT Writing Tips to Boost Your Score Practice, Practice, Practice Donââ¬â¢t be under-prepared for your next try at the SAT! Even though youââ¬â¢ve already taken the test before, youââ¬â¢ll still need to study and practice for the next time.A great way to do this is to take complete, strictly timed practice tests.Doing so will help you track your progress over time and help you identify where you are improving and where you still need to practice. We have links to multiple official SAT practice tests. Taking complete practice SATs will also give you a more accurate estimate of what your score will be on a real SAT than taking one section at a time would.Review your results for these practice tests carefully so you learn what mistakes you made and how to avoid making them again in the future. Consider Hiring a Tutor or Taking a Prep Course Sometimes, having a study plan developed by someone else is the best way to effectively target your weak areas and raise your score.There are a lot of great tutors and prep courses.Read our guide on finding the best tutor for you. Be Ready for Test Day Simple logistics can be enough to have a significant impact on your test scores.On test day, make sure you are confident and prepared so you donââ¬â¢t let any outside circumstances affect your scores. Get enough sleep the night before the exam, bring a snack with you on test day, and know how to get to your test center. Having these things set will help you focus all your concentration on the test.Also, make sure you give yourself enough time before retaking the SAT. Around two-fourmonths is recommended so that you have enough time to practice and improve. Are you prepared? Summary Itââ¬â¢s very rare for the College Board to send incorrect SAT scores, but it does happen. If you are surprised by how low your SAT scores are, there is a process you can go through to get your scores verified, but be aware that they are most likely correct. To verify your scores, order a Student Answer Verification service. If you are still not confident that your scores are correct, you can also request hand scoring of your multiple choice questions and essay. There is a fee for each of these services, and they must be requested within five months of taking the test. If there was no scoring error, there are multiple ways you can improve your score, including analyzing your score reports, taking practice tests, and using a tutor or prep program. You can find more information about SAT score verification on the College Board's website. What's Next? Are you interested in a test prep program? PrepScholar has the industry's leading SAT and ACT prep program.Built byHarvard grads and full scorers, the programlearns your strengths and weaknessesthrough advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Try a 5-day risk-free trial for theSATor ACT today! Also, check out our ultimate study guide to SAT prep. Covering every section of the SAT, this guide combines our best SAT study materials on one page. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, February 16, 2020
The Film Miss Presentation and Mistreated Women Essay
The Film Miss Presentation and Mistreated Women - Essay Example In addition to this, only 16% of women are writers, directors, producers, cinematographers and editors. Patriarchy has unfortunately caused a poor representation of women in society. In this paper, I will analyze the power of the media and its influence on the role of women. The paper further dwells upon the effects of the negative image of women, created by media, which affects their position in society. The media has been continuously using women to its benefits, meeting the needs of the male audience. This has eventually had a negative effect on women and their representation and position in the world. This is because you canââ¬â¢t be what you canââ¬â¢t see. ââ¬ËThe media is the message and the messengerââ¬â¢. These were the opening remarks in Pat Mitchellââ¬â¢s documentary. He is the president and CEO of the Paley Center for Media. Jackson Katz, the author of The Macho Paradox, argues that people learn much more from the media than from any other source. On the other hand, Jim Steyer the CEO of Common Sense Media argues that the media is delivering the content that is shaping our society. Even though 51% of the US population is women, only in very rare cases anyone of them achieves elite positions. The media is one of the key factors which are to blame for this. It makes and delivers the news and for this reason, most of the information we get from it is a result of the trends liked by the media. It has portrayed the males as dominant over the females. Patriarchy is evident and the female identity has been blurred. Nude pictures of attractive women are used all the time in magazines, movies and even on calendars and billboards on the streets. This all objectifies women and makes them a lifeless thing of desire and lust. The director of this film emphasizes that despite the high percentage of women in the US, only 17 of them are members of Congress. Since 1979, the first election of a woman to theà congress took place in 2010. This fact proves the evidence of patriarchy.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Biometric Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biometric Security - Essay Example ââ¬Å"Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes.â⬠SearchSecurity.com (2008) These have several applications including time attendance, access control, identification card, security systems, server rooms and data centers. The advantages of this system are: easy to use, removes proxy punching, prevents identity theft, no recurring costs on cards, better returns on investment and instant reporting. (BioEnable 2007) The objective of this paper is to discuss three technological applications on biometrics in the areas of fingerprint scanners, iris recognition system and smart cards. A presentation of each features, mechanics, and practical applications would enable one to discern which biometric techno logy is most beneficial to more members of the society. However, one should bear in mind that there are other factors to consider in selecting a biometric technology. Fingerprint scanners are technological applications in biometrics utilizing fingerprints of a user to be initially enrolled in a data base. The identity of the user would be authenticated by matching a current scan with that previously recorded in the data base. According to WebMediaBrands (2009), ââ¬Å"fingerprint scanning essentially provides an identification of a person based on the acquisition and recognition of those unique patterns and ridges in a fingerprint.â⬠This technology is currently being used in timekeeping, payroll, computer and security systems, among a host of other innovative applications. However, the cost of applying fingerprint scanning is still relatively expensive as compared to the traditional modes of ID badges. Iris recognition system is reported as one of the most accurate of all biometric
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Impact of Stakeholder Management on Construction Industry
Impact of Stakeholder Management on Construction Industry 1.0 Introduction/Background Project management is an evolving discipline which is relatively new in both practice and academics hence knowledge is drawn from other disciplines to further advance both theory and practice in managing projects. Consequently this research will draw from different academic disciplines for its theory and the construction industry for its practice. To this end a project could be described as a strategy used by organisations to achieve its strategic goal, the strategy could be suggested to have a start and an end date (Turner 2009 p.20; Holton 2002 p.10-2). It could also be suggested that the word organisation in the above definition by Turner 2009 could be called the project stakeholder. Olanda and Landin (2005 p.321) defined project stakeholders as a à ¦group of people who have a vested interest in the success of a project and the environment within which the project operates. This research is focused on investigating the impact of stakeholder management and its contribution to project success in the construction industry. It could be suggested that the use of PMs life cycle phases be adopted for the entire project plan as seen in figure 1 below. Figure -Project Lifecycle The project initiation phase of this report will include proposing a project research topic, assigning a project supervisor or project sponsor and proposing a research plan. While the project planning phase will include reviewing of the available project materials and the execution phase will involve writing up the literature review and project methodology. Handover and closeout will involve submitting the final report to supervisor and award of Msc degree in Project Management. Lessons learnt could be suggested to be the feedback and experience gained in during the research. 1.2 Project Context Project Context could be suggested to be the setting in which a project is carried out (ApmBok 2009). In relation to the above description, the aim of this research is in agreement with the above suggestion (Achterkamp and Vis 2008 pg 749). 1.3 Project Rationale 1.3.1 Academic Rationale The academic research into project stakeholders has been attractive and extensive to researchers and professionals. Evidence shows that the construction industry accounts directly for 10% GDP growth in the UK (Cridland and Wates 2009 p.5),this goes to justify the need to investigate the impact of stakeholder management and its contribution to project success in the construction industry and also fulfil the academic requirement of the award of Masters Degree. 1.3.2 Business Rationale The economic implications for any organisation if projects fail will be devastating considering the above report by Wates and Cridland (2009 p5), this report shows that the construction industry account for 10% GDP growth. Project failure of any kind in the current economic climate will cost the organization its finance and jobs e.g. BP deep horizon in the US Gulf Coast where the collapse of a well led to fatalities which in-turn increased BPs financial burden. 1.3.3 Personal Rationale It could be suggested that as a project management professional, embarking on this research will help one better understand the principles of stakeholder management. The knowledge gained from this research will clarify any unanswered questions at the end of this research. 1.4 Aim and Objectives This research is aimed at: Investigating the impact of stakeholder management and its contribution to project success in the construction industry Objectives To explore the principles of stakeholder management and project success. To assess the benefits and challenges of stakeholder management. To correlate a relationship between stakeholder management and project success. To propose a strategy for measuring the impact of stakeholder management thereby assessing its impact on project success. To make recommendations for improved stakeholder management practices. 1.4.2 Project Scope According to Burke (2003 p. 104) project scope identifies when a project has been successfully completed within specified requirement. The scope for this project will involve activities such as writing the literature review, research methodology and drawing on the findings of the above mentioned activities to come up with a conclusion and recommendation. The scope of this research excludes the execution of the primary research. 1.4.3 Project Deliverables Project deliverables for this research is suggested to be the outcome of the report at every stage of the lifecycle (ApmBok 2009 p.135). The deliverables as shown in Table 1 are generalised and subject to being revised at the end of this report. Table Project deliverables Deliverables Description Project Research Plan Introduction/ Background Project Context and Project Rationale Project Definition Project Approach Research Project Schedule Resource Requirements Ethical Considerations Literature Review Research of theory and practice within the construction industry Project Approach or Methodology It involves the description of the process in the collection and evaluation of data that will be used to achieve the overall aim and objectives of this report. Project Proposal This involves outlining a research proposal from the finding and the analysis done in the project approach section. Conclusion and Recommendation This section involves the final summation of all the data used and presenting recommendation(s) where necessary. 1.4.4 Assumption, Constraints and Considerations Assumptions The project will be delivered on time, quality and within budget. The literature / materials needed to complete the project will be readily available. That the project aim and objectives will be met at the end of the project. Constraints The time required by the sponsor to complete the report. Combining three live projects at the same period. i.e. CPD, Group placement and dissertation. Considerations That the report will inspire its readers to proceed towards a primary research. That there will be more research into the impact of project stakeholders and its contribution to project success within the construction industry. 1.5 Initial Literature Review 1.5.1 Stakeholder Management Project stakeholders have been widely discussed in various project management literatures. Fewings (2005 p.34) described project stakeholders as people that their interest could affect the outcome of the project while Olanda and Landin (2005 p.321) agues that although project stakeholders are group of people with different interest in a particular project, they are also interested in a successful outcome no matter the level of interest. Since this research will be focusing on stakeholder management, McElroy and Mills (2007 p.270) suggested that stakeholder management deals with the relationships between stakeholders within projects. This relationship must be developed and structured so as to achieve a successful outcome. McElroy and Mills (2007 p.270) description of stakeholder management is convincing because different bodies of knowledge are yet to agree on a particular description for stakeholder management. Fewings (2005) and Olanda Landin (2005) perspectives on project stakeholders in relation to stakeholder management is valid in that all agreed that stakeholders are made up of more than one individual, so managing this relationship as described by McElroy and Mills (2007 p.270) will determine if a project is a success or a failure . 1.5.2 Project Success Yu et al. (2005) suggested that a: ProjectÃâà is a success if its created product adds value to the client, considering the cost to the client at the point of acceptance While there is no definite definition to what project success is or what will be the best way to define success, this report would look into critical success criteria used in the construction industry to determine when a project is successful. The ApmBok (2009) defined project success as: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦the satisfaction of stakeholder needs measured by the success criteria as identified and agreed at the start of the projectà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ 1.6 Project Research Approach In this section it could be suggested that a proposed research approach be developed, this approach would be aligned with the project aim and objectives. To achieve the above this report has identified two methods or type of research, this are the Primary and Secondary research. A primary research entails the collection of new data or expansion of existing theories in project management body of knowledge. This could be achieved by using the following methods: the use of questionnaires, sampling and survey. Data for this research would be collected though documentary research. This involves analysing various literatures relating to the research; given that this research is a secondary research, a qualitative method will be employed. 1.6.1 Ethical Consideration Sekaran (2000, p17) defined ethics as a code of conduct or expected societal norm of behaviour while conducting a research or project . Below in table 2 are the ethical considerations used to compile this research. Table -Ethical Consideration This research was carefully structured to avoid any misrepresentation or distortion of data collected. All information used for this research was adequately referenced to avoid plagiarism. This report was written with due respect for the subject and authors All information used for this report is in line with universities academic guidelines. Sekaran ( 2000, p.261) 1.7 Project Planning / Report Schedule Burke (2003, p.94) defined project schedule as à ¦a process required to ensure that various elements of the project are properly managed and controlledà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ The project schedule will be used to assign expected start date and expected finish date. The schedule is in a Gantt chart, this could be suggested to be in agreement with (Burke 2003) definition. See Appendix 1 for more details. 1.8 Project Resource Requirements and Budget The resources required for a successful completion of this project is listed in Table 2 and the cost estimate that would apply to both primary and secondary research is in Table 3 Figure -Resources Requirement Human Resources Description Hours Researcher Researcher would carry out a secondary research and prepare a primary research plan to be used to further analyse the project aim 600 Academic supervisor The academic supervisor would give guidance, review and monitor project to ascertain if the project is within scope. 60 Project sponsor The project sponsor and management would be need during an actual primary research. 100 Table Project Budget Activity Budget Source Cost for Researcher and supervisor Ãâà £3000 RGU and Sponsor Printing of dissertation and buying of CD drives ( hard and soft copies) Ãâà £200 Researcher and Sponsor (in the case of a primary Research) Transport is Dependent on the location of the organisation and RGU library Not Determined at present Researcher and Sponsor 1.8.1 Risk Matrix Risk management is a key area in APM and PMI bodies of knowledge; projects are often associated with one form of risk or another (Raz Michael 2000), controlling this risk is an important task for any researcher. To this end, this report will take a proactive role in controlling risks associated to this project by developing a risk plan which can be seen in Table 4
Friday, January 17, 2020
Is Management an Art or a Science Essay
One of the enduring questions in the field of management is whether it is an art or a science. In order to be able discuss whether management is an art or a science we need to define what ââ¬Ëmanagementââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëartââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëscienceââ¬â¢ are. Management is a set of activities (including planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling) directed at an organizationââ¬â¢s resources (human, financial, physical, and information) with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. In general an art defines as ââ¬Å"skill in conducting any human activityâ⬠and science as ââ¬Å"any skill or technique that reflects a precise application of facts or a principle. â⬠Management as a science would indicate that in practice, managers use a specific body of knowledge consisting of principles, generalizations, approaches and concepts to apply in certain situations. That is, when faced with a managerial problem, the manager who believes in the scientific foundation of his or her craft will expect that there is a rational and objective way to determine the correct course of action. The principles of management have been developed and formulated on the basis of observation, research, analysis and experimentation and also based on relationship of cause and effect like other sciences. Another proponent of the management as science, many early management researchers subscribed to the vision of managers as scientists. The scientific management movement was the primary driver of this perspective. Scientific managementââ¬â¢s emphasis on both reducing inefficiencies and on understanding the psychology of workers changed manager and employee attitudes towards the practice of management. These are the basic characteristics that can be proved management is a science, but not exactly. Management as an art requires no specific body of knowledge, only skill. Conversely, those who believe management is an art are likely to believe that there is no specific way to teach or understand management, and that it is a skill borne of personality and ability. One more reason for considering management as an art is that in many situations, practicing managers are unlikely to believe that scientific principles and theories will be able to implement in actual managerial situations. Instead, these managers are likely to consider a broad range of social and political factors, and likely to take different actions depending on the context of the problem. And application of management knowledge calls for innovativeness and creativity. In this case managers go on discovering new ideas, relationships and more efficient ways of doing things. Both views of management, as a science or as an art, can provide ample evidence to support heir viewpoints, and they all seem correct and reasonable from their perspective. But an efficient manager has to acquire a theoretical knowledge of management and subsequently, use it to develop it and, gather experience. Robert Hilkert has beautifully explained that ââ¬Å"In area of management , science and art are two sides of the same coinâ⬠Thus, in my opinion I think that management is a combination of both science and art, because managing as practice is an art and the organized knowledge underlying the practice is a science.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Septimius Severus Essay - 1596 Words
There are many Roman emperors and there are a few that people see as experiencing success. In a recent survey by worldaffairsboard.com Augustus, Marcus Aurelius and Trajan were voted as the best. Septimius Severus who was also a great emperor was not even on the list. There are many things that go into making a good emperor such as military strength, taxes and life of the people in Rome. Septimius Severus was a great emperor because he had many of these needed qualities. He had some admirable wins in war and also helped the Roman Empire to grow. Septimius Severus greatly improved life for soldiers in the army and also did great things for people in Rome. During his tenure as emperor of Rome he made many improvements that greatly helpedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The army sent three people from three different divisions to try and become emperor. Septimius Severusââ¬â¢ was one of the three and his region along the Danube was able to expand his control which helped him in his que st to be emperor (Boatwright, Gargola, Talbert 406). When Septimius went to Rome with his army from the Danube he was given imperial powers by the senate (Matyszak 131).When Augustus became emperor however he was mean and sneaky. He made the Romans turn against the current ruler Antony so that they would throw him out. For example, he illegally obtained Antonyââ¬â¢s will and read it to the Roman people. Antonyââ¬â¢s will had information like the fact that he would give all his money to his children by Cleopatra of Egypt and that he would like his body returned to her. This event was the last straw for the Romans and the senate declared war on Antony. Augustus became emperor in a devious way whereas Septimius Severus was the best man for the position and truthfully received the position (roman-empire.net). Septimius Severus was very knowledgeable and also victorious in war. Shortly, after becoming emperor he created a smart plan. He wanted to avenge the death of Pertinax so he took the name Pertinax as part of his title. This was a strong act so the Praetorians paraded around leaving their weapons because it was a ceremony. Severus then had his own men kill the people responsible for Pertinaxââ¬â¢s death, while they were parading. He then dismissedShow MoreRelatedSummary : Emperor Commodus 1581 Words à |à 7 Pagesenough, Carefully a plot was crafted against the emperor. The court chamberlain Eclectus and the emperor s favourite concubine Marcia added their support to the undertaking. Quietly people who supported the plot were placed into key positions. Septimius Severus and Clodius Albinus, African allies of Laetus, were given the governorships of Upper Pannonia and Britain. Pescennius Niger, another friend of Laetus, was put in charge of Syria. 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AtRead MoreArch of titus Essay1445 Words à |à 6 Pageshellenistischer und kaiserzeitlicher Skulptur und Architektur, 2). Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1983. 9. Lendering, Jona. http://www.livius.org/a/italy/rome/arch_severus/arch_severus1.html 10. Septimius Severus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septimius_Severus 11. Seindal, R. Arch of Septimius Severus. http://sights.seindal.dk/sight/161_Arch_of_Septimius_Severus.html 12. Various authors. Roman Triumph. http://www.unrv.com/culture/roman-triumph.php 13. Roman Triumph. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_triumph Read MoreEssay on The Fall of the Western Empire in the Fifth Century532 Words à |à 3 Pagesa civil war by rivals to the throne. A series of rulers under what was known as `The Severan Dynasty ensued. Lucian Septimius Severus who became emperor in AD 193 severely weakened the imperial defenses when he disbanded the Praetorian Guard and replaced them with his own troops. While Rome remained a large empire there was a complete lack of constitution. After Septimus Severus all power derived from the army, which led to corruption in a quest for power. Between 235 and 284 there was a seriesRead MoreRoman Art Of Ancient Rome1707 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe first period - the reign of the Julio - Claudian and Flavian, the second - the time of Trajan, later period - the time of the late Adrian and last Antonioni. The times of Septimius Severus, as previously Pompey and Caesar, then, obviously, should be regarded as transitional. Since the end of the reign of Septimius Severus, a crisis of Roman art. All artistic creation in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present day bears the traces of the strong influence of Roman art. 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The organisation of the Army is seen to respond to the challenges it was facing in the east through the creation of two new legions and the development of an emergency reserve. Furthermore, the increasing use of vexallations shows structuralRead MoreThe Myth Of Romulus And Remus Essay1515 Words à |à 7 PagesTacitus, Annals 8.15). Neroââ¬â¢s murder of Britannicus reflects the theme of fratricide prevalent since Romulus and Remus, and it is not the only example in Roman history; following his father Septimius Severusââ¬â¢ death, rather than share the imperial title, Caracalla had his brother Geta assassinated within a year of Severusââ¬â¢ demise. Under the Republic, tenure of public office was limited typically to one year, with re-election to the same position restricted, due to these ââ¬Å"intense competitive pressuresââ¬
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Speaking upon the Demands of the People in Judith Butlers...
In Judith Butlers paper ââ¬Å"so what are the demands?â⬠she writes about the lack of foresight and goals set by the occupy movement. For this reason she provides her own set of demands. She divides her paper into two sections that take on two points made by the skeptics points for which she analyzes. She first brings up the skeptics position which states that: demands should take the form of a list and secondly that demands should be capable of being satisfied. Between these two statements she clears up why the movement exists, what its purpose is and the pitfalls of these two points. The paper begins to dissect the problems with the first statement being that of lists. Butler states that they merely sum up what the demands are about but over-simplify/over-look the finer details. These lists also do not explain how these demands relate to each other. Lists fall short because no one item on the list can explain what gathers them all together. A position that Butler holds is tha t it is the very historical character of the economic system itself that is the root cause of inequality. Butler points out that the key to understanding this economic framework is to understand why differentials in wealth are increasing more so than ever and by fewer people. Furthermore, small adjustments by lists cannot fix the problems with the economy, they cannot address the inequality of wealth because it is reproducing in ever more acute ways and lists would just get larger rather than ever seeking to
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