Saturday, November 30, 2019

Swimming Bio Mechanics Essays - Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics

Swimming Bio Mechanics Natural forces affect the movements of swimmers in water. And it is often useful to know how these forces act. This knowledge will help swimming teachers and coaches analyze swimming skills and assist them to understand how these forces influence movement, so that they can encourage beginners to be better swimmers or good swimmers to achieve there optimum potential. Biomechanics is the branch of science that is concerned with understanding the relationship between a living body's structure and function relative to movement. In this paper the swimming form of the front crawl stroke will be analyzed, which may result in improvement in the following areas: ? Improving performance ? Preventing injury ? Correcting weaknesses ? Identifying ways to alter human movement patterns Biomechanics is considered to be the physics of how the body moves. When these physical principles are applied to sports skills it becomes an integrated study between the internal forces produced by the body and the naturally occurring external forces that act on the body as skills are executed (Carr, 1997, p4.). Although the final quality of movement will totally depend upon the athlete's (swimmer's) ability to integrate both internal forces generated by muscular actions with the external forces of gravity, buoyancy, fiction and mass that are present during swimming. When looking at swimming one must first look at how the human body acts and generates forces in water. Water is a unique environment. It possesses qualities that will assist the swimmer, but it also has qualities that will impede the swimmer's progress through the water. For instance, the water's density provides a buoyant force for the swimmer, while at the same time providing resistance to the swimmers propulsion (, 1995, p42). Topics to continue with: Main principles and their application Density Water Resistance Skin/Frictional Resistance Frontal/Wave Resistance Eddy/Turbulence Resistance Propulsion Water Friction Propulsive Drag Lift Force Streamlining The main principles and their application of the front crawl stoke Buoyancy & Flotation An object that is immersed either totally or partially in water experiences an upward force as the water's density endeavors to stop it from sinking (Maglischo, 1982). This upward force is known as the buoyant force and acts through the center of the displaced water. This force therefore, tends to counteract the effect of gravity and the weight of the object, the net result being that the weight of the object is reduced by the upward force of buoyancy (Costill, 1992). (#Diagram#) Every object has an absolute center position where all forces exerted by the body equal zero. This central point of an object's mass is known as the center of gravity and is the point around which it balances. The center of gravity is approximately 50-52% of an individuals height, as there is an equal spread of mass above and below this point (Allen, 1999). The same can be said for the center of buoyancy, as above and below this point there is an equal spread of volume of the displaced water (Allen, 1999). The location of the center of buoyancy which is the center of the water displaced by the body, is actually closer to the head than in the location of the center of gravity. The reasons for this are: ? The volume of water displaced has a greater mass then the chest area. ? The chest has a lower density than the water because of its lung capacity. Therefore the upward force of buoyancy acts thought a point higher up the body than the center of gravity (Costill, 1992). (#Diagram#) (I may need to include more?) (And relate it back to the front crawl?) Density The term specific gravity is used to describe the ratio between an object's density to that of water's density. Pure water density being the reference point having a specific gravity of 1.00 (Carr, 1997, p67). Therefore anything placed in water will float or sink in accordance to it's own specific gravity value. Anything greater than 1.00, will sink. While anything less than 1.00 will float. In the human body there is variation from person to person, this is due to the amount of air in ones lungs and the percentage of bone, muscle and fat, which all vary in their own individual masses. Both bone and muscle are heavier than fat. From this information one can assume that a lean and

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Organizational Negotiations

Organizational Negotiations Free Online Research Papers Selling Water For China vs. John McCarthy: the hostage negotiator who secured my freedom. Both are styles of bargaining, but with the hostage negotiations there is more at risk than the business with China. In hostage negotiation it is important not to be confrontational. Reason for taking hostages-Political leverage or Criminal (unable to achieve what they want) Emphasis is on the hostage taker. It is important for both negotiators to think through all the following points; trading, goals, the relationship, the consequences, alternatives, power, possible solutions. Aqua International is a multicultural company based out of Europe. Sometimes there is little room for choice as to when your business negotiation takes place, as in the case with the political negotiations with China. AQ Group set up a negotiation, armed with a strategic alliance with PAQ in the attempts to negotiate with a strongly rooted company in China, Tak Foy Co. It started with non-critical points to give both parties wins for balance. The main point of the negotiation is to provide water to the million people involved with at a reasonable cost. It is important for the negotiators of both articles to be familiar with the customs of the country they are negotiating with if they hope to be successful in their Both negotiators worked towards achieving the best possible outcome with the least resistance. Timing is also important when it comes to negotiations. You must be considerate of the person’s time schedule you are negotiating with. Many things can become a sensitive issue when dealing with negotiations. So you must remember to be considerate and aware of the needs and wants. If you have knowledge of someone is flying in at a certain time, you really have little choice of time. But if you have a choice, do you prefer to negotiate in the morning or the afternoon? As is well known, there are morning people and night people, this is called a chronotype. Morning people tend to get up earlier, be more productive and more chipper first thing, and night people get up later and are more active later in the day. Based on new research has recently come out indicating that morning people may actually have more success. In the Hostage negotiation process it is important to examine the negotiator to examine the viewpoint of both the hostage taker and the negotiations partner, be it the government, a company, or what have you. REFERENCES- Research Papers on Organizational NegotiationsDefinition of Export QuotasComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Personal Experience with Teen PregnancyTwilight of the UAWThe Project Managment Office System

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Models and Technological Innovation Management

The business model helps the company to satisfy the needs and look after the problems of the customer with respect to the product of the company. It helps the company to gain value in the market. The performance, design, price etc. are few of the characteristics that the company needs to keep in mind before launching the product in the market. The model helps to segment the market according to the customers that the company targets with the help of different channels to make the product available in the market. The cost of the product helps the company to build a relationship with the consumers that help the brand to gain access in the market (Baden-Fuller & Haefliger, 2013). The final building block illustrates the cost of delivering the value proposition that includes the resources required as well as major activities involved. The critical components of business model have been validated. On the other hand, the purpose of partnership is to make sure that the commodities offer the appeal to the target market. Certain business models necessitate the involvement of several stakeholders in order to make sense. In today’s lecture, the process that deals with the clarification involves the major assumption that underpin business model. It is required to check every response in the building model canvas against several criteria that involves the fact that how an individual knows what he has written in each building block is correct. For example, the business model of Ryanair involves high volume passenger as compared to the business model of South American market (DaSilva & Trkman, 2014). Baden-Fuller, C., & Haefliger, S. (2013). Business models and technological innovation.  Long range planning,  46(6), 419-426. DaSilva, C. M., & Trkman, P. (2014). Business model: What it is and what it is not.  Long range planning,  47(6), 379-389. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Law of the European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law of the European Union - Essay Example Competition law promotes and enhances competition in a given nation. This is because once they exist, different entrepreneurs have an equal chance to set up businesses that can compete with existing businesses. This is because in a nation with a jurisdiction that preserves competition laws, there is a good chance that more and more businesses can be opened up and this will provoke innovation and help businesses to seek the best results. Richard Whish stated that "As a general proposition competition law consists of rules that are intended to protect the process of competition in order to maximise consumer welfare"3. This statement suggests that competition law ultimately seeks to protect the best interests of consumers. This paper examines the validity of this assertion through the examination of European Union Law. As a background to the examination of consumer interests, the research will examine the key component of market structures. The paper then goes on to explore European Union law to identify how competition law attains the end of protecting consumers. Market structures examines some key components of competition from the point of view of economics. The basic assumption of market structures is that in every market, there are two dominant groups: buyers and sellers. Sellers are the entrepreneurs who produce goods and services for buyers. Sellers have a strong relationship with buyers because buyers provide revenue for sellers to remain productive and in business. So a basic assumption of this branch of economics is that the higher the price the higher the quantity produced4. Buyers on the other hand seek to spend the lowest amounts of money on goods and services. So there is a kind of conflict between buyers and sellers. Whereas buyers seek the lowest prices, sellers seek to get the highest amount of revenue from buyers. This is the basis of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Gospel of John Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Gospel of John - Essay Example â€Å"Hymn to the Word† is a section meant to look at Jesus as the logos of God, and His eternal Word. John acknowledges that Jesus is above all divine creatures (Lee, 2002). There are seven signs whereby Jesus’s public life is explained and written so as to show the world his spiritual being different from that of the other human beings. Included are the seven signs or miracles together with long speeches as Jesus explains himself and his purpose in the world, particularly his relationship with God (Lee, 2002). He says that God is his Father and it is only through him that people would get to his father. He goes further and explains that He is the son of God and stated severally that if an individual did not know him, then how he would know his father. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the death, it leads to his execution. The Jews were greatly of the opinion that Jesus was mocking their religious beliefs and those of their forefathers. They, therefore, decided that the o nly way to deal with him was to kill him. The seven signs mentioned above included: John the Baptist, Jesus is the Lamp of God, the calling of Simon, Andrew and Nathaniel, the marriage at Galilee where he changed water into wine, Jews and the businessmen who conducted their business in the Holy Temple of God, Nicodemus the Pharisee and the need to be baptized. Throughout the Gospel of John, there is a persistent explanation of the relationship between Jesus and God. At the end of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit is introduced to the Gospel as a helper and comforter of the Disciples and other Christians, and would be there for them once Jesus left after His crucifixion and resurrection into heaven. Christology This has simply been described by many scholars as a manifestation of the word that has the basis for immortality (Lee, 2002). In the book of John, Jesus is presented as the divine Son of God and in the same book is described to be subordinate to God the father. This gospel gives mo re emphasis to the relationship between the father and the son unlike the other gospels (Moloney, 1998). There was a lot of emphasis put on this relation and it was described as beyond our human understanding of how there is one God and with Him, there are three: the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Divine Role In this gospel, Jesus explains the Kingdom of God to the multitudes. He was sent by His Father to bring the God News to the world. He had a messianic secret and played a divine role in the world (Coloe M. , 2006). He talks a lot about God’s divine wish as there are even echoes in the dark. Jesus has been regarded as the real vine, the way, the truth, the resurrection and the life. There are also several others such as the bread of the World and the gate of the sheep. Jesus divine call is illustrated all through the presentation and, as such, did not need to find it as per that minute. Jesus was sent to the world so as to help us reach and be near to God. He w ould be killed and denied severally by his friends. He underwent all this suffering for the sake of human beings and to save them from the crunches of the evil one (Tovey, 2007). There are three main happenings that are significant to the practice of Judaism. First was the cleansing of the temple where Jesus found businessmen who were selling all kinds of goods in the temple, and money brokers within the temple. He cleansed the temple and chased them away together with their goods and animals. He told them to go away and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Role of Perception Essay Example for Free

The Role of Perception Essay What is perception? How can a persons perception of others impact an organizations behavior? What are the positive and negative effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others? How are decisions in real world organizations actually made? How can our perceptions shape ethical or moral decisions? These are the questions that will be attempted to be answered in this essay. According to Robbins, S. (2005) Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. The role of perception in the decision-making process goes beyond the five senses (1) sight, (2) hearing, (3) smell, (4) taste, and (5) touch. The representation of perception in decision-making is based on a persons internal understanding and personal analysis of environmental observations combined with past experiences. Consequently, perception varies from one individual to the next. There are many factors that can influence or shape a persons perception during the decision-making process. Robbins, S. (2005) identifies three types of factors that influence perception:1.Factors in the Perceiver: Personal Characteristics†¢Attitudes: feelings, beliefs or behavioral tendencies towards specific people, ideas, objects etc. †¢Personality: individual behaviors, temperament, emotions or state of mind. †¢Motives: reasoning toward problem-solving or achieving a goal†¢Interests: selective concentration on personal likes or dislikes†¢Experience: knowledge gained from past involvements or exposure. †¢Expectations: what is hoped to be achieved. 2.Factors in the Target: Observed Characteristics†¢Novelty: uniqueness. †¢Motion†¢Sounds†¢Size†¢Background†¢Proximity†¢Similarity3.Factors in the Situation:†¢Time†¢Work setting†¢Social settingHow can a persons perception of others impact an organizations behavior? To find the answer to such a  question one must first understand organizational behavior. According to Robbins, S. (2005) organizational behavior (OB) is defined as a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness. Organizations are run by human beings, not machines. For that reason, a persons perception can have either a positive or negative impact on an organizations behavior depending on the factors that influence his or her perceptions. Ones perception of other individuals within an organization can influence the level of commitment as well as cooperation of employees within an organization. Take family-owned and operated (managed) businesses for instance. According to Barnett, T. and Kellermanns, F. (2006) Securing the commitment and cooperation of nonfamily [sic] employees is likely to be more difficult if they do not perceive that decision outcomes, decision processes, and decision makers are fair or just. Non-family employees perceptions of the fairness of human resource (HR) practices in such areas as: positions of authority, wages, promotions, discipline and so on within family-owned businesses may vary depending on the existent of family influence within the organization. Barnett, T. and Kellermanns, F. (2006) identifies non-family perceptions of HR practices at three different levels of family influence as:1.Low levels of family influence tend to have little impact on the fairness of HR practices. 2.Moderate levels of family influence tend to have positive effects on the fairness of HR practices. 3.High levels of family influence tend to have negative effects on the fairness of HR decision processes and outcomes. Clearly, a persons perception of others can impact an organizations behavior in many different ways because the overall organizational behavior is not just based on one persons perspective but rather a collective perspective of all the employees within the organization. However, it is  possible for a single person or a small group of people to affect an organizations behavior i.e. the CEO, family members etc. depending on their level of influence or control over the organization. What are the positive and negative effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others? Perceptive shortcuts can affect the quality of a persons decision-making and performance. According to Robbins, S. (2005) some of the most frequently used shortcuts include:†¢Selective perception: selective interpretation based on ones expectations. †¢Halo Effect: bias opinion based on first impression or single attribute. †¢Contrast effects: assessment of persons qualities based on others with similar qualities. †¢Projection: Attributing ones own characteristics to other people. †¢Stereotyping: preconceived notion about an individual based ones perception of the group to which that person belongs. †¢Self-fulfilling prophecy: A situation in which one person inaccurately perceives a second person and the resulting expectations cause the second person to behave in ways consistent with the original perception. Positive effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others:†¢Simplify the amount of information being received. †¢Having express knowledge of individual characteristics allows interviews to go quickly. †¢Grouping people based on similar characteristics can help interviewers to extract applicants with specialized skills quickly. †¢It is easier to judge an applicant positively if the interviewer perceives that they are alike. Negative effects of using perceptive shortcuts when judging others:†¢Unwarranted conclusions from vague information. †¢Having limited knowledge of individual characteristics can lead to hiring a person not suited for a particular position. †¢Grouping people based on similar characteristics can lead to distort perceptions of applicants. †¢When interviewers perceive applicants to be like themselves their ability to respond to the applicants differences becomes distorted. These lists could go on and on, but notice that: in theory, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Decisions made in real world organizations are not quite so cut and dry. How are decisions in real world organizations actually made? In real world organizations decisions depend great deal on the accuracy of managerial perceptions. However, due to the aspect of human nature (shortcut perceptions), the accuracy of managerial perceptions may vary. This often causes some managers to have inaccurate or unrealistic perceptions of an organization. In one case study on the accuracy of managers perceptions Mezias, J. and Starbuck, W. (2003) evaluated 70 different managers and found that:About 35% of the managers had very accurate perceptions, with errors below 11%. About 35% of the managers greatly underestimated sales, with errors ranging from −75% to almost −100%. About 24% of the managers overestimated sales to extreme degrees, with errors ranging from 200% to 4800%. Overall, about two-thirds of the managers expressed unrealistic notions of their business units sizes in monetary terms. Noticeably, several managers did have accurate organizational perceptions. However, the percent of managers with inaccurate perceptions was much higher. One would not have to speculate which managers used shortcut perceptions. Unfortunately, shortcuts cause a continual bias for error. Organizations concerned with production growth, sales growth, manufacturing concentration and so forth need to follow a more rational decision-making process in order to maximize performance. The rational decision-making process depicts how decisions should be made. Robbins, S. (2005) lists the six steps in the rational decision-making process as:1.Define the problem: compile information regarding the problem. 2.Identify the decision criteria: identify all the relevant criteria that will be important in solving the problem. 3.Allocate weights to the criteria: rank criteria in order from most important to least important. 4.Develop the alternatives: list all the viable alternatives while being aware of all the possible consequences of each alternative. In addition to the rational decision-making process5.Evaluate the alternatives: analyze and evaluate each alternative in reference to the solution to the problem and rank in order of viability to possible consequences. 6.Select the best alternative: the alternative with the highest rating for success and lowest rating for adverse consequences. How can our perceptions shape ethical or moral decisions? First, one must look at the criteria for ethical or moral decision-making before determining how a persons perceptions shape ethical or moral decisions. Robbins, S. (2005) lists three different criteria that can be use in making ethical decisions as:1.Utilitarian: liberal ethical element i.e. the greatest good for the greatest number2.Rights: legal or moral entitlement i.e. protecting the basic rights of individuals3.Justice: being just or fair element i.e. equitable distribution of benefits and costsEach criterion has benefits as well as drawbacks. For example:†¢Utilitarianism: promotes efficiency and production of the organization, but can result in a lack of regard for the  rights of individual workers, generally minorities. †¢Rights: protects the rights of individual workers, but can result in a decline in the efficiency and productivity of the organization†¢Justice: promotes equitable distribution of benefits and costs, but can result in more uncertainty in the effects on efficiency and profits. Observably, these examples of the criteria for ethical or moral decision-making clearly identify the dilemmas of managerial decision-making. Consequently, one might be more inclined to see how managers perceptions of organizational values may sometimes merge with their personal values to form individual business ethical judgments. According to Hunt and Vitell, (1986):This ethical judgment is assumed to be influenced by deontological evaluations (doing what one believes to be right regardless of its consequences), teleological evaluations (assessing ones action in light of its consequences in the tradition of utilitarianism), or a balance of these two perspectives suggested in the theoretical framework posited by past researchers and practitioners. In conclusion: Perception is the process by which an individual obtains, interprets, selects, and classifies sensory information. Perception in decision-making is based on a persons internal understanding of reality rather than reality itself. Therefore, a persons perception of other individuals within an organization can influence the level of commitment as well as cooperation of employees within an organization. Perceptive shortcuts are a combination of various mental shortcuts used to save time in the decision-making process. Perceptive shortcuts can have both positive and negative affects in the quality of a persons decision-making and performance. Decisions in real world organizations are made by using a combination of perceptive shortcuts and the rational decision-making process. Ethical or moral decisions are shaped by a persons perception of the balance between organizational values and his or her personal value system. Based on these findings, one can conclude that successful people do try to make rational and logical decisions. However, due to internal and external factors of perception not all decisions are rational and logical.  The reality of it all is that people are people, and to err is human. References Barnett, T. and Kellermanns, F. (2006). Are We Family and Are We Treated as Family? Nonfamily Employees Perceptions of Justice in the Family Firm. Entrepreneurship: Theory Practice; Vol. 30 Issue 6, p837-854, 18p, 1 diagram. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from, D. and Oz, E. (2007). Personal Values Influence on the Ethical Dimension of Decision Making. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 75 Issue 4, p335-343, 9p. Retrieved November 9, 2007, from, J. and Starbuck, W. (2003). Studying the Accuracy of Managers Perceptions: A Research Odyssey. British Journal of management. Vol. 14 Issue 1, p3-17, 15p, 5 charts, 5 graphs. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from d=11hid=101sid=8db3f227-5161-4202-a37e-220847ed375d%40sessionmgr107Robbins, S. (2005). Organizational behavior (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Movie Review: Yentl Essay -- essays research papers

Movie Review: Yentl Everyone at one time or another has felt out of place. Feeling unsure of one's place in society is an experience that every young adult faces but deals with differently. Some rebel while others comply with whatever has been set out for them by society or their parents, or both. The role of the woman in society is forever changing. Where women were once obligated to stay in the home and dote on their husbands, they are now working in the same types of jobs as their husbands. What was typically the male role has been blurred and practically obliterated. Religious roles have followed society's lead in their evolution. For example, since its creation over five thousand years ago, the Jewish religion has evolved in some movements to involve women and men equally in ceremonies. The orthodox movement has always remained traditional in its belief that women have their place in the home, cooking and raising children, and serving their husbands. Education remains the man's duty. The movie Yentl starring Barbara Streisand, shows this traditional belief through its plot, characterization, music, lights, camera angles, and symbolism. Set in Eastern Europe in 1904, Yentl captures the essence of the Jewish woman's eternal struggle. It is the story of a young girl, in love with learning but forbidden to do so by Jewish tradition. Upon her father's death, Yentl disguises herself as a boy to attend a yeshiva (religious school) and continue her studies. She befriends Avigdor, a male scholar at the yeshiva, and falls in love with him. Driven by her love for him, Yentl will do all that she can to ensure that he is near her and that her secret is not revealed. Yentl struggles with her secret until the day she can no longer remain silent. She tells Avigdor what she has done, and of her love for him, but he cannot accept a woman who refuses to act as a traditional woman should. So Yentl departs for America in hope of a different mentality, but never forgetting her love for Avigdor and all that she has learned. Based on Isaac Bashevis Singer's acclaimed short story, "Yentl, the Yeshiva Boy," the story is somewhat unrealistic but serves its purpose in proving a point; the point being that women have always been just as capable as men in studying and education, an... ...e bird, is able to soar - through the prejudices of her traditions and through the world of knowledge for which she so longs. She displays this thought in the last line of the movie when she sings "Papa watch me fly." As well, when Yentl transforms herself into Anshel, the boy, she looks at herself in a cracked mirror and cuts her hair. This displays her uncertainty of herself and her place in Jewish society, and the cutting of her hair symbolizes her transformation and the beginning of a new life for her. Symbolism throughout the film, contributes to the film's theme of self-discovery and role reversal. The plot, characterization, lighting, camera angles, and symbolism reveal thoroughly the plot of this highly thought-evoking film. The plot mainly contributes to proving that a woman's place is not solely in the home. That "story books for women, sacred books for men", as the bookseller says at the beginning of the story, is not an accurate assessment of a woman's intellectual capabilities. Because of Barbara Streisand's fabulous and complete characterization of Yentl, this movie comes to life and touches the hearts of its viewers.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Performance Apprisal Management-Assignment

Performance Apprisal Management-Assignment Q 1: How do goals , objectives and competencies help in an effective Performance Management System ? Performance Management System : Performance management System are set up to provide feedback to employees on how effectively they are performing in their jobs. Such programs normally include a set of goals or objectives the employee must accomplish within the review period as well as the standards or criteria for determining whether the defined goals have been accomplished.Effective performance management include the following features: * Linking individual goals to the corporate and work unit business plans and goals; * Focusing on results, behaviors (competencies) as well as process improvement; * Regular reviews and updating of performance plans to address changing demands; * Training for both managers and employees on how to effectively give and receive feedback, including providing feedback to employees who experience challenges in perfo rming to the standards required in their jobs / roles; * Training for managers on how to provide performance evaluations that are valid, fair and unbiased.Performance management is about achieving results in a manner that is consistent with organizational expectations. Integrating competencies within the performance management process supports the provision of feedback to employees not only on â€Å"what† they have accomplished like performance goals, but also â€Å"how† the work was performed, using competencies for providing feedback. Assessing competencies as a part of performance management is an important means of assisting employees in understanding performance expectations and enhancing competencies.Multi-source feedback, while not an HR application per se, is a method that is often used in performance management to assess and provide employees with feedback on â€Å"how† they performed their work . GOAL : # The aim is to focus people on doing the right t hings in order to achieve a shared understanding of performance requirements throughout the organization. # Integration is achieved by ensuring that everyone is aware of corporate, functional and team goals and that the objectives they agree for themselves are consistent with those goals and will contribute in specified ways to their achievement.How do GOALs help in an effective Performance Management System : Corporate strategic goals provide the starting point for business and departmental goals, followed by agreement on performance and development, leading to the drawing up of plans between individuals and managers, with continuous monitoring and feedback supported by formal reviews. If we define the relation between the performance Management System and goals of the organizations then we get- # A performance management system is â€Å"the process through which companies ensure that employees are working towards organizational goals. # It includes more than just a performance ap praisal. The performance management system is also composed of â€Å"strategic plans, manager accountability, pay, promotion, training/development, and discipline. † Most organizations have some type of formal or informal performance reviews, but a performance management system attempts to provide the overarching structure for planning and analysis of activities for each individual, in the context of the organizational whole. Through continual assessment, the system ensures that successes are recognized and problems are addressed early.Better planning at the beginning of the year, including setting realistic goals for each employee, ensures measurable positive successes for the library and its staff, aligned with the larger organizational goals. When an organization has not developed a performance management system, lack of clarity in setting and developing staff goals, lack of alignment between organizational goals and employee goals, lack of communication on priorities , al l can be avoided through the effective implementation of a performance management system. Everyone in the organization is clearly aware about the common organizational goals and objectives.Once the goals are clearly defined, everyone works for the growth of the organization. OBJECTIVE : # Something which has to be accomplished. # They define what organizations, functions, departments, teams and individuals are expected to achieve. How do OBJECTIVEs helps an effective Performance Management System : Objectives are performance standards. They are used when it is not possible to set time-based targets, or when there is a continuing objective which does not change significantly from one review period to the next and is a standing feature of the job.These should be spelled out in quantitative terms if possible, for example, speed of response to requests or meeting defined standards of accuracy. Objectives describe something to be accomplished by individuals, departments and organisations over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets to be met such as sales and tasks to be completed by specified dates. They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or personal, taking the form of developmental objectives for individuals. Objectives need to be defined and agreed.They will relate to the overall purpose of the job and define performance areas – all the aspects of the job that contribute to achieving its overall purpose. If we define the relation between the performance Management System and objectives of the organizations then we get- A structured and documented process encourages objective evaluation and fair treatment # Business objectives need to be linked to team and individual accountabilities. To measure the Performance Management system objectives are define as Individual output measures. like- * Achievement of objectives Achievement against agreed standards of performance, which might be descriptions of excellent, good, sati sfactory or poor performance. * Behavior, measuring the extent to which individuals exhibit behaviors associated with performance such as respect for others, trust etc. * Specific instances of performance for example commendations for specific pieces of work. COMPETENCE : # Refers to the behavioral requirements of a role to carry out the work satisfactorily. # What people bring to work in the form of different types and levels of behavior. Examples can be: job and professional knowledge, communication, teamwork, productivity, management etc. Practicing good performance management requires proficiency in certain competencies. Competencies are observable, measurable patterns of skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully. Every organization has some competencies around which their business operations revolve. An efficient and effective employee performance measurement solution ensures that the competencies are managed well.Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for agencies to accomplish their missions and achieve their goals. Consequently, performance management is one the most important parts of a supervisor's or team leader's job. Developing skills in performance management is a wise investment for agencies—an investment that will help them achieve their strategic goals. Performance Management Processes and Related Competencies-Managing employee performance includes: * planning work and setting expectations, * monitoring and measuring performance, developing the capacity to perform, * periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and * recognizing and rewarding good performance. How do COMPETENCIEs helps an effective Performance Management System : Performance management competencies that all supervisors (and team leaders) should develop and demonstrate include: * Communicating. Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each employee not only requires good oral and written communication skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working relationships.To communicate effectively with employees, supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes. * * Setting Goals. Setting long- and short-term goals with employees gives focus to employee efforts. When goal setting is done correctly, employees strive to accomplish those goals and feel confident in achieving them. When goal setting is done poorly, work does not progress as desired.Knowing how to set goals effectively is an important part of performance management. To do this well, supervisors need to be able to clarify expectations and to set realistic standards and targets. * * Measuring Employee Performance. Credible measures of performance that employees understand and accept are critical for achieving high lev el performance. Measuring employee accomplishments, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, provides the information that supervisors and employees need in order to monitor performance. * * Giving Feedback.Feedback should inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees regarding their performance. Supervisors should describe specific work related behavior or results they have observed as close to the event as possible. * * Coaching and Developing. Using their coaching skills, supervisors evaluate and address the developmental needs of their employees and help them select diverse experiences to gain necessary skills. Supervisors and employees create development plans that might include training, new assignments, job enrichment, self-study, or work details. * Recognizing. Effectively recognizing employees is another performance management competency. Being able to genuinely acknowledge a job well done is critical for strengthening employees' commitment to do their b est. Supervisors should be skilled at using formal awards programs as well as using informal recognition techniques, including personal thank and voicing verbal appreciation in staff meetings. Developing Competencies- Agencies will benefit in many ways if they invest in developing performance management competencies in their supervisors and team leaders.These competencies should form the basis for their training and development to ensure that the Federal Government can carry out its mission in the 21st century. (You will note that most of these competencies are reflected in OPM's Executive Core Qualifications for the Senior Executive Service. ) Because good supervision and leadership require effective performance management, we will focus this series of articles on the performance management competencies we have outlined here. The next article in this series will highlight communication skills.Q 2:Identify at least 3 general or core competencies for each (3) levels of management. Ex plain each competencies in details . There are lots of competencies. The 3 general or core competencies for each (3) levels of management are given bellow – Core Competencies of top-level management : Top-level managers make decisions affecting the entirety of the firm. Top managers do not direct the day-to-day activities of the firm; rather, they set goals for the organization and direct the company to achieve them.Top managers are ultimately responsible for the performance of the organization, and often, these managers have very visible jobs. (1) Intellectual Competencies : Planning and causal thinking :refer to implications, consequence, alternatives or if-then relationship analyzes causal relationships. It makes strategies and plan steps to reach a goal. Diagnostic Information seeking : Pushes for concrete information in an ambiguous situation seeks information from multiple sources to clarify a situation which uses question to identify the specific of a problem or other situations.Conceptualizations and synthetic thinking :Understand about how different parts , needs or functions of the organization fit together. Identities partners and interprets a series of event. Identities the most important issues in a complex situation. Uses unusual analogies to understand and explain the essence of a situation. Leadership skill– role-playing, decision simulation and job rotation are the training methods used to nourish leadership skill in employees, as the top management will be able to pick up this skill through working on different roles and models. 2) Influence Competencies : Concern for Influence (The need for power) : which refers to persuade people, anticipate the impact of actions on the people. Directive influence (Personalized power )-face up to people directly when problems occur. Collaborative Influence (socialized power)-Operate effectively with groups to influence outcomes and get operations. Builds â€Å"ownership† of controversy decisions among key sub-ordinates by involving them in decision making . Symbolic Influence : Personal example for an intended impact uses symbols of group identity. (3) Others :Self Confidence-refer self as prime mover, leader or organizations or the organizations mentions being stimulated by crisis and other difficult problems. Self as the most capable person for getting the job done. # Core Competencies of Middle-level management : Middle managers can motivate and assist first-line managers to achieve business objectives. They may also communicate upward, by offering suggestions and feedback to top managers. Because they are more involved in the day-to-day workings of a company, they may provide valuable information to top managers to help improve the organization's bottom line.Some core competencies of middle level managers are given bellow : (1)  Ã‚   Thinking about the organization : Strategic Vision-evaluate the internal and external business environment to develop a long-t erm vision and strategy for the unit/organization. Analysis and Problem-Solving -effectively examine events, issues, and problems, and generate optimal solutions in a timely manner. Business and Financial Penetration -demonstrate a good understanding of company’s business model and markets as well as good commercial and financial acumen.Ability characteristics– job rotation, job enrichment, decision simulation, practical training and teaching training . Motivational characteristics– the help of sensitive training, brain-storming, and case studies. (2) Deliver Result : Manages Execution -ensure achievement of business goals aligned with the operational roadmap and standards through managing execution of business plan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Customer Focus- foster a customer-focused environment   delivering exceptional service and anticipating future   customer needs.Leads for Performance -demonstrate and foster a sense of urgency and strong commitment to achieving goals. Drives Change and Innovation- champion new ideas and initiatives and create an environment that supports change and innovation. (3) Energize People : (Strengthen) Communication- communicate with impact, and create an environment in which people communicate honestly and openly   Ã‚   Engages and Inspires -inspire commitment and energy and a desire to excel and bring one’s best contribution to the organizational mission and goals.Develops Human Capital- ensure or contribute to the availability and development of the talent needed to meet current and future organization goals   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Interpersonal skill  or Cultivates Relationships and Networks-develop and leverage effective network and relationships with others inside and outside of the organization. to use role-playing method to foster interpersonal skill in employees. Also, job-rotation and group discussion are often used on this dimension. Fosters Teamwork and Cooperation- promote a sens e of collaboration and work effectively across the organization to achieve goals.Conceptual skill– to use on-the-job training to develop conceptual skill in employees. Conversely, decision simulation and role-playing are also instrumental in developing conceptual skill in middle-level managers. # Core competencies of first –level manager or, first –line manager :(Supervisor) First-line managers are responsible for the daily management of line workers—the employees who actually produce the product or offer the service. Although first-level managers typically do not set goals for the organization, they have a very strong influence on the company.These are the managers that most employees interact with on a daily basis. There are many competencies of the managers which are given bellow : ( 1) Act as a role model : Adapts and Learns-work effectively in the face of ambiguity, shifting priorities, and rapid change while actively developing one’s skills a nd capabilities. Continuous learning – Builds Trust and Confidence- consistently act and communicate in ways that model organization’s   values and demonstrate fairness, objectivity, integrity, responsibility and transparency. 2) Personality characteristics– to use role-playing, sensitiveness training and case studies to forward employees’ focus on this element. Honesty and Integrity –truthfulness, honor rest two level managers. (3) Flexibility : flexible for their working time as well as the ready for outside of the schedule time. Flexibility is the ability to adapt to and work with a variety of situations, individuals and groups. It is about being able to think on your feet, and not being disconcerted or stopped by the unexpected. Communication- Quality result orientation- Team work- These are also very important core competencies of first level management . Performance Apprisal Management-Assignment Performance Apprisal Management-Assignment Q 1: How do goals , objectives and competencies help in an effective Performance Management System ? Performance Management System : Performance management System are set up to provide feedback to employees on how effectively they are performing in their jobs. Such programs normally include a set of goals or objectives the employee must accomplish within the review period as well as the standards or criteria for determining whether the defined goals have been accomplished.Effective performance management include the following features: * Linking individual goals to the corporate and work unit business plans and goals; * Focusing on results, behaviors (competencies) as well as process improvement; * Regular reviews and updating of performance plans to address changing demands; * Training for both managers and employees on how to effectively give and receive feedback, including providing feedback to employees who experience challenges in perfo rming to the standards required in their jobs / roles; * Training for managers on how to provide performance evaluations that are valid, fair and unbiased.Performance management is about achieving results in a manner that is consistent with organizational expectations. Integrating competencies within the performance management process supports the provision of feedback to employees not only on â€Å"what† they have accomplished like performance goals, but also â€Å"how† the work was performed, using competencies for providing feedback. Assessing competencies as a part of performance management is an important means of assisting employees in understanding performance expectations and enhancing competencies.Multi-source feedback, while not an HR application per se, is a method that is often used in performance management to assess and provide employees with feedback on â€Å"how† they performed their work . GOAL : # The aim is to focus people on doing the right t hings in order to achieve a shared understanding of performance requirements throughout the organization. # Integration is achieved by ensuring that everyone is aware of corporate, functional and team goals and that the objectives they agree for themselves are consistent with those goals and will contribute in specified ways to their achievement.How do GOALs help in an effective Performance Management System : Corporate strategic goals provide the starting point for business and departmental goals, followed by agreement on performance and development, leading to the drawing up of plans between individuals and managers, with continuous monitoring and feedback supported by formal reviews. If we define the relation between the performance Management System and goals of the organizations then we get- # A performance management system is â€Å"the process through which companies ensure that employees are working towards organizational goals. # It includes more than just a performance ap praisal. The performance management system is also composed of â€Å"strategic plans, manager accountability, pay, promotion, training/development, and discipline. † Most organizations have some type of formal or informal performance reviews, but a performance management system attempts to provide the overarching structure for planning and analysis of activities for each individual, in the context of the organizational whole. Through continual assessment, the system ensures that successes are recognized and problems are addressed early.Better planning at the beginning of the year, including setting realistic goals for each employee, ensures measurable positive successes for the library and its staff, aligned with the larger organizational goals. When an organization has not developed a performance management system, lack of clarity in setting and developing staff goals, lack of alignment between organizational goals and employee goals, lack of communication on priorities , al l can be avoided through the effective implementation of a performance management system. Everyone in the organization is clearly aware about the common organizational goals and objectives.Once the goals are clearly defined, everyone works for the growth of the organization. OBJECTIVE : # Something which has to be accomplished. # They define what organizations, functions, departments, teams and individuals are expected to achieve. How do OBJECTIVEs helps an effective Performance Management System : Objectives are performance standards. They are used when it is not possible to set time-based targets, or when there is a continuing objective which does not change significantly from one review period to the next and is a standing feature of the job.These should be spelled out in quantitative terms if possible, for example, speed of response to requests or meeting defined standards of accuracy. Objectives describe something to be accomplished by individuals, departments and organisations over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets to be met such as sales and tasks to be completed by specified dates. They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or personal, taking the form of developmental objectives for individuals. Objectives need to be defined and agreed.They will relate to the overall purpose of the job and define performance areas – all the aspects of the job that contribute to achieving its overall purpose. If we define the relation between the performance Management System and objectives of the organizations then we get- A structured and documented process encourages objective evaluation and fair treatment # Business objectives need to be linked to team and individual accountabilities. To measure the Performance Management system objectives are define as Individual output measures. like- * Achievement of objectives Achievement against agreed standards of performance, which might be descriptions of excellent, good, sati sfactory or poor performance. * Behavior, measuring the extent to which individuals exhibit behaviors associated with performance such as respect for others, trust etc. * Specific instances of performance for example commendations for specific pieces of work. COMPETENCE : # Refers to the behavioral requirements of a role to carry out the work satisfactorily. # What people bring to work in the form of different types and levels of behavior. Examples can be: job and professional knowledge, communication, teamwork, productivity, management etc. Practicing good performance management requires proficiency in certain competencies. Competencies are observable, measurable patterns of skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully. Every organization has some competencies around which their business operations revolve. An efficient and effective employee performance measurement solution ensures that the competencies are managed well.Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for agencies to accomplish their missions and achieve their goals. Consequently, performance management is one the most important parts of a supervisor's or team leader's job. Developing skills in performance management is a wise investment for agencies—an investment that will help them achieve their strategic goals. Performance Management Processes and Related Competencies-Managing employee performance includes: * planning work and setting expectations, * monitoring and measuring performance, developing the capacity to perform, * periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and * recognizing and rewarding good performance. How do COMPETENCIEs helps an effective Performance Management System : Performance management competencies that all supervisors (and team leaders) should develop and demonstrate include: * Communicating. Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each employee not only requires good oral and written communication skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working relationships.To communicate effectively with employees, supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes. * * Setting Goals. Setting long- and short-term goals with employees gives focus to employee efforts. When goal setting is done correctly, employees strive to accomplish those goals and feel confident in achieving them. When goal setting is done poorly, work does not progress as desired.Knowing how to set goals effectively is an important part of performance management. To do this well, supervisors need to be able to clarify expectations and to set realistic standards and targets. * * Measuring Employee Performance. Credible measures of performance that employees understand and accept are critical for achieving high lev el performance. Measuring employee accomplishments, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, provides the information that supervisors and employees need in order to monitor performance. * * Giving Feedback.Feedback should inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees regarding their performance. Supervisors should describe specific work related behavior or results they have observed as close to the event as possible. * * Coaching and Developing. Using their coaching skills, supervisors evaluate and address the developmental needs of their employees and help them select diverse experiences to gain necessary skills. Supervisors and employees create development plans that might include training, new assignments, job enrichment, self-study, or work details. * Recognizing. Effectively recognizing employees is another performance management competency. Being able to genuinely acknowledge a job well done is critical for strengthening employees' commitment to do their b est. Supervisors should be skilled at using formal awards programs as well as using informal recognition techniques, including personal thank and voicing verbal appreciation in staff meetings. Developing Competencies- Agencies will benefit in many ways if they invest in developing performance management competencies in their supervisors and team leaders.These competencies should form the basis for their training and development to ensure that the Federal Government can carry out its mission in the 21st century. (You will note that most of these competencies are reflected in OPM's Executive Core Qualifications for the Senior Executive Service. ) Because good supervision and leadership require effective performance management, we will focus this series of articles on the performance management competencies we have outlined here. The next article in this series will highlight communication skills.Q 2:Identify at least 3 general or core competencies for each (3) levels of management. Ex plain each competencies in details . There are lots of competencies. The 3 general or core competencies for each (3) levels of management are given bellow – Core Competencies of top-level management : Top-level managers make decisions affecting the entirety of the firm. Top managers do not direct the day-to-day activities of the firm; rather, they set goals for the organization and direct the company to achieve them.Top managers are ultimately responsible for the performance of the organization, and often, these managers have very visible jobs. (1) Intellectual Competencies : Planning and causal thinking :refer to implications, consequence, alternatives or if-then relationship analyzes causal relationships. It makes strategies and plan steps to reach a goal. Diagnostic Information seeking : Pushes for concrete information in an ambiguous situation seeks information from multiple sources to clarify a situation which uses question to identify the specific of a problem or other situations.Conceptualizations and synthetic thinking :Understand about how different parts , needs or functions of the organization fit together. Identities partners and interprets a series of event. Identities the most important issues in a complex situation. Uses unusual analogies to understand and explain the essence of a situation. Leadership skill– role-playing, decision simulation and job rotation are the training methods used to nourish leadership skill in employees, as the top management will be able to pick up this skill through working on different roles and models. 2) Influence Competencies : Concern for Influence (The need for power) : which refers to persuade people, anticipate the impact of actions on the people. Directive influence (Personalized power )-face up to people directly when problems occur. Collaborative Influence (socialized power)-Operate effectively with groups to influence outcomes and get operations. Builds â€Å"ownership† of controversy decisions among key sub-ordinates by involving them in decision making . Symbolic Influence : Personal example for an intended impact uses symbols of group identity. (3) Others :Self Confidence-refer self as prime mover, leader or organizations or the organizations mentions being stimulated by crisis and other difficult problems. Self as the most capable person for getting the job done. # Core Competencies of Middle-level management : Middle managers can motivate and assist first-line managers to achieve business objectives. They may also communicate upward, by offering suggestions and feedback to top managers. Because they are more involved in the day-to-day workings of a company, they may provide valuable information to top managers to help improve the organization's bottom line.Some core competencies of middle level managers are given bellow : (1)  Ã‚   Thinking about the organization : Strategic Vision-evaluate the internal and external business environment to develop a long-t erm vision and strategy for the unit/organization. Analysis and Problem-Solving -effectively examine events, issues, and problems, and generate optimal solutions in a timely manner. Business and Financial Penetration -demonstrate a good understanding of company’s business model and markets as well as good commercial and financial acumen.Ability characteristics– job rotation, job enrichment, decision simulation, practical training and teaching training . Motivational characteristics– the help of sensitive training, brain-storming, and case studies. (2) Deliver Result : Manages Execution -ensure achievement of business goals aligned with the operational roadmap and standards through managing execution of business plan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Customer Focus- foster a customer-focused environment   delivering exceptional service and anticipating future   customer needs.Leads for Performance -demonstrate and foster a sense of urgency and strong commitment to achieving goals. Drives Change and Innovation- champion new ideas and initiatives and create an environment that supports change and innovation. (3) Energize People : (Strengthen) Communication- communicate with impact, and create an environment in which people communicate honestly and openly   Ã‚   Engages and Inspires -inspire commitment and energy and a desire to excel and bring one’s best contribution to the organizational mission and goals.Develops Human Capital- ensure or contribute to the availability and development of the talent needed to meet current and future organization goals   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Interpersonal skill  or Cultivates Relationships and Networks-develop and leverage effective network and relationships with others inside and outside of the organization. to use role-playing method to foster interpersonal skill in employees. Also, job-rotation and group discussion are often used on this dimension. Fosters Teamwork and Cooperation- promote a sens e of collaboration and work effectively across the organization to achieve goals.Conceptual skill– to use on-the-job training to develop conceptual skill in employees. Conversely, decision simulation and role-playing are also instrumental in developing conceptual skill in middle-level managers. # Core competencies of first –level manager or, first –line manager :(Supervisor) First-line managers are responsible for the daily management of line workers—the employees who actually produce the product or offer the service. Although first-level managers typically do not set goals for the organization, they have a very strong influence on the company.These are the managers that most employees interact with on a daily basis. There are many competencies of the managers which are given bellow : ( 1) Act as a role model : Adapts and Learns-work effectively in the face of ambiguity, shifting priorities, and rapid change while actively developing one’s skills a nd capabilities. Continuous learning – Builds Trust and Confidence- consistently act and communicate in ways that model organization’s   values and demonstrate fairness, objectivity, integrity, responsibility and transparency. 2) Personality characteristics– to use role-playing, sensitiveness training and case studies to forward employees’ focus on this element. Honesty and Integrity –truthfulness, honor rest two level managers. (3) Flexibility : flexible for their working time as well as the ready for outside of the schedule time. Flexibility is the ability to adapt to and work with a variety of situations, individuals and groups. It is about being able to think on your feet, and not being disconcerted or stopped by the unexpected. Communication- Quality result orientation- Team work- These are also very important core competencies of first level management .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

keisey report Essay

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicated that my personality type is that of the Guardian Provides (ESFJ) and my character type is Provider (ESFJ). My results indicated that my personality is the cornerstone of society and that I have a natural talent in managing goods and services-from supervision to maintenance and supply. It also said that I believe in law and order. I take pride in being dependable and trustworthy. I can also be counted on to get the job done. I honor customs and traditions, meticulous about schedules; I’m not comfortable with winging it or blazing new trails. My results also indicated that I am cautious about change and when it comes to changes. I prefer to go slow and look before I leap. When it comes to the needs of people, especially those close to me I approach tasks in organized and thoughtful matter. It also said that I am a keeper of traditions like holidays, and I go out of my way to make sure people are cared and provided for. I totally agree with the results of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, my results couldn’t have been more accurate. I am a person who cares about others, and I have always said that I was born to serve. When it comes to my professional life, no job is beneath me. I am very loyal, a team player, a hard worker and sympathetic to the needs of others. To my surprise the results were very accurate when it said that I am sensitive to the feelings of others. I love to entertain although I may not be the host. I often find myself talking to others, making sure that the needs of the guest are taken care of and making sure that they are involved. I don’t like taking risk nor do I like major changes .What I think can really help me is to have an open mind when it comes to change. I do not agree with the results regarding personal criticism nor am I able to speak with confidence. I can definitely use this information in my work environment such as keeping an open mind to changes, not being quick to judge, and being very cautious.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Order and authirity essays

Order and authirity essays For a society to run efficiently a sense of order needs to be maintained. To maintain this order all societies have a political system in place that ranges in complexity. There are four forms of political systems - bands, tribes, chiefdoms and states. Within each political system there are formal or informal mechanisms used to exercise control (and in some cases both). Whether mechanisms are formal or informal depends on what works in each society. With these mechanisms comes a level of enforcement that is used to implement the type of behaviour seen as socially acceptable. This power of enforcement is dependent on the laws available in a society. Gender and religion help play apart in enforcement. There has been a decline in cultural specificity that is largely due to globalisation. But there have always been mechanisms of social control common to the majority of all societies. Even though New Zealand is isolated from other countries geographically, we use many of the same social me chanisms as those overseas. Bands were egalitarian societies and this is one reason why they were the simplest forms of political organisation. People that are almost equal do not need a complex control system. They were generally foraging societies that were constantly moving with the seasons. There were two types of bands - simple and composite. Simple bands were smaller than composite bands. They had an informal political system, with an older male being the leader. Males and females were both involved in the decision making process. Composite bands had a more defined leadership than simple bands. However, political organisation was still informal. The Comanche, who foraged on the southern Great Plains of the United States, are a clear example of a composite band. The Comanche were divided into a number of separate bands. Individuals and families could move amongst the bands and even form new bands, although bands rarely came together for collective...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Strategies for responsible business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategies for responsible business - Assignment Example For instance, employees may hold sarcastic approach towards the fact that their organization is externally engaged in social work while management is not doing the needful to improve their working conditions. Therefore, the exact definition of CSR can be explained by the overall approach of an organization. A firm that engages in sharing information with its employees regarding probable downsizing, and then helps the displaced employees with new job opportunities is essentially involved in CSR. Likewise, another firm that emphasizes on customer interest by providing them safe, reliable and innovative products is also engaged in a strategic CSR (Waldman et al., 1). The concept of CSR emerged in the aftermath of World War II, and it gained actual foothold in the business world from 1960 onwards (Carroll & Shabana, 85). CSR essentially means that a company performs its certain activities for a larger purpose of social, economic and environmental benefits over its economic and legal goals. Traditionally a business is known for its profit making strategies and its product or service innovations. In this modern age, CRS activities add brand value to an organization. In fact, many organizations promote their CSR activities so as to gain the confidence of more number of people across the globe. The essence of CSR lies in thinking above profit maximization objectives, and striving towards the goal of performing in a viable social and environmental setup. In truth, a company does not legally have any social responsibilities that are not integral part of its business objectives. The need is to put in best efforts to minimize adverse impact on society an d environment; nevertheless the trick lies in balancing such efforts with the core financial objectives. This paper has attempted to critically discuss the following statement: â€Å"Companies engage in CSR because, for a number of reasons, they think it will be good for their profit

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Toy store investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Toy store investigation - Essay Example There was another aisle called â€Å"Little Mommy†, which consisted primarily of baby dolls, stroller, baby bottles and fake diapers. The final aisle was called â€Å"Princess and Meâ€Å". This was my favorite aisle, because it was so fascinating and eye catching. It was filled with princess crowns that are covered in fake jewels. It also had adorable shoes with heels, as well as fairy tale wings, tutus and ballerina shoes. There were many things I found very disturbing about this section. The first thing was the way they portrayed a woman’s role to these young girls, particularly at this age because their brains are like sponges. I feel this is just teaching them when they grow up they have to cook, clean and take care of their children while looking fabulous. I was also shocked by the career choices that are given to young girls as well. Motherhood was the number one role that was illustrated in this section. They also expect the girl to be friendlier and less viol ent because of the language used on the packages. They frequently uses words like ‘pretty‘, ‘lovely‘, ‘friends‘, and ‘together‘. These words are displayed in a round smooth lettering. The boys’ section was directly across from the girls’ section, decorated all in blue. This section was also categorized by different themes.